Assembly Monday 18th March 2019

During assembly on Monday 18th March the children all showed excellent listening skills. Well done!

We continued to learn about our emotions this week, where we looked at the last two emotions – Fear and Disgust. We listened to some examples of how children were feeling and had to guess whether that person was feeling Fear or Disgust and how to help them manage the feeling.

This was interesting because one of the examples was a little girl who was scared of cars and crossing the road. To start with the boys and girls thought she shouldn’t be scared of cars and the road. We explored this further and then began discussing how actually sometimes a little fear is healthy as it keeps us safe. In this example Fear would stop the girl from running in front of cars.

We then discussed the P1-3 Disco arrangements for Thursday evening, which the children were very excited about. I look forward to seeing you on Thursday everyone.

Finally, we wrapped up by celebrating some of our learning from Red Nose Day and thanking everyone for their contributions. The children were able to discuss how the money raised would go to help children who aren’t as fortunate as us.

Star Assembly Class: I was extremely please with P2K as they came in before everyone else, as quiet as mice, and sat down waiting patiently for the other children. An excellent role model to our younger P1 pupils.

Star Pupils: Congratulations again to all the Star Pupils this week.


One thought on “Assembly Monday 18th March 2019”

  1. It’s Great to highlight emotions Miss C we are finding the discussions very informative and helpful…. Liam is telling me about what they mean…it opens up a dialogue that encourages how best to deal with situations. We even do a bit o dramatic roleplay😂

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