Assembly 25th March 2019 and Open Day 28/03/19

We looked again at all the emotions we have learned over the last few weeks. We know that things can happen to make us feel a certain way. We started to discuss the old saying ‘sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me’. A range of children came up to say unkind things to a paper man. Every time they said something it left creased a part of the man. Even after each person said sorry when we flattened him back out, there were still marks left from the unkind words. This showed us that actually words can hurt us. So we are trying to always say kind things to others.

Mrs Bennion and a couple of our P1 pupils confidently stood up to tell us all about how we can ‘fill each other’s buckets’. We imagined that every time we come to school our ‘bucket’ (heart) is empty and we need to help fill our friend’s buckets by saying kind things. This is our goal as it is important to be kind to others.

Star Assembly Class: Well done P2W for winning the trophy this week! You modelled how to sit smartly and quietly during our starting song.

Star Pupils: Congratulations to the final Star Pupils of the term.

Unit Star Class Winners: This term we saw the children working together as class teams to gain as many unit star stickers as they could (both the Green and Purple units). Every time they got a sticker for following and exceeding the school rules they were awarded a tally mark for their class. Congratulations to our first class winners of P2M and P3F. On W

Wednesday they were treated to a special games and party session and they were awarded a class certificate.


Open Day

Thank you to all the parents/carers/family that came to visit the children in school on Thursday 28th March. It was great to have you in and we hope you enjoyed it too.

Have a wonderful Easter holiday and we will see you all at the start of Term 4!

Miss Catlow


One thought on “Assembly 25th March 2019 and Open Day 28/03/19”

  1. Hey 👋🏻 Miss C hows about ya… I’ve been rather tardy with my responses recently😊
    Am Loving the learning around kindness particularly the wonderful analogy of the paper man! This is a great way of helping the children understand the impact of unkind words. We will refer back to it in the Closey hoose next time there’s a name being flung at anyone!! It will be nice to see the buckets get lots of love…ely words put in them 👍🏻

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