Assembly Monday 4th February 2019

In Assembly this week we continued to learn about our mental health by naming a range of feelings. We began to use the feeling characters from the movie ‘Inside Out’ to help us group our feelings. The feeling characters from Inside Out are Joy, Anger, Sadness, Disgust and Fear.

Lots of children have seen this movie and were quite excited! We watched a short clip where we met the Inside Out characters and saw the effect that the feelings had on the behaviour of the main character. For example when the girl was playing a game building a stack of cards she accidentally knocked one over and the feeling of Anger kicked in. We the then saw her smash the whole thing up because she was so frustrated. This led to a discussion about how our feelings can impact our behaviours. We will continue to explore this.

BARTS and CASPER children have now got a signposted meeting point in the Green GP area and a visual guide has been created to encourage the pupils to register, then find a seat in their area, have a chat to their friends and wait patiently until all children are collected. The area can get quite busy with the P2 children lining up to go home and reinforcement of these rules from parents of the afterschool club pupils is greatly appreciated.

Star Assembly Class: Congratulations goes to P2M. I saw some fantastic listening and the class is working well as a team.

Star Pupils: Congratulations to our star pupils for this week! The teachers are very proud.

One thought on “Assembly Monday 4th February 2019”

  1. Great follow on Miss C… we do love a bit of Riley and her emotions. A great cartoon for helping illustrate how feelings are played out when our emotions are stimulated👍🏻Very helpful learning for young people as it wiill hopefully help enable them to identify there feelings and deal with them in an appropriate and healthy way as they grow up… wonderful stuff. Well done👍🏻

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