When a Jacobite came to visit

This month a Jacobite came for a visit to Fernielea! He told us about different events which took place during the Jacobite era.

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It was exciting to find out a way that we can remember the different James’ for Scotland and England .

James VI ( Scotland) James I (England)

James VII (Scotland) James II (England)

James VII (Scotland) James III (England)

The number of ‘I’ in Scotland is the same for the number for England.

We got to dress up as a Jacobite in a Filamore – The great kilt. This was plaid.

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We learned that Jacobites wore a white cockade on their blue hats to identify themselves while on the battle field.

One of the boys in our class also dressed up as a Redcoat. They have a red coat and their hat is different from the one worn by a Jacobite. It is black and has three points.

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It got really exciting when John the Jacobite brought out the different weapons used by the Jacobites.

We learned about the Clamore sword, the Loch Abber Axe, the Brown Best Musket, Bayonet, Durk Sword, Basket Hilted Sword ( This was named this due to the basket shape around the handle to protect the users hands) and the cannon balls and shields.

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After learning about the weapons we got to hold them. We had to be careful as some were very heavy and sharp.

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