Hazlehead Park

Primary 6 have been working hard this term to make good choices in and around the school.  The class decided that the reward for filling the Good Choice Jar would be a ‘Picnic and Play’ at Hazlehead Park.  A good time was had by all!

P6 Scottish Parliament Glow Meet

At Fernielea, we were delighted to hear that all P6 pupils had been chosen to have a live Glow Meet question and answer session from Scottish Parliament with Ms Shirley-Anne Somerville, Minister for Further Education, Higher Education and Science.

We learned so much interesting information, such as what we can do if we would like to be involved with Politics in the future and also how helping to improve our community is important for this.

Thank you so much for meeting with us!



P6 Science!

In Science this term, we have been learning about the body.  This week, we were focusing on the lungs and how they work.  After learning lots about the lungs, we then got the chance to make our own model ones!