World of Work!

Yesterday we had ANOTHER visitor for World of Work Week!

Mrs Stewart, a very experienced and talented hairdresser came in to tell us about her job and show us some skills.

We all got to try out some hairstyles using different brushes and accessories – we really enjoyed it!

Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and skills!

World of Work Week!

Primary 6 had another group of visitors today!

Some of the ladies which run the Charity – ‘Befriend a Child’ came in to tell us how they become involved in this area of work and what the Charity supports.

We learned a lot about how we can help when we are older and we even met Cuddles the cheeky Kangaroo!

Thank you so much for visiting our class!

World of Work Week!

Primary 6 had a Personal Trainer (Dan) come to visit today to tell us all about his career for World of Work week.

We learned about the personal qualities, skills and education which is required to become a Personal Trainer.

Dan then ran a class with us to show us how it is done!

Thank you for visiting and sharing your knowledge and skills.


Flood Awareness Week in Primary 6!

This week, Primary 6 have participated in ‘Flood Awareness Week’ along with some other classes at Fernielea.  We have completed lots of activities to help us learn more about different types of flooding, which types of flooding we are most at risk from and how to help ourselves and others if an emergency flooding situation occurs.

Here are some pictures to show all our hard work!


Generation Science Visit

On Wednesday 8th March, we had some visitors from Generation Science.  They entertained us with their interactive presentation on renewable and non-renewable energy.  They explained to us how both types of energy works.  It was very inspiring, interesting and made us think about the ways in which we use energy at home.

World Book Day in Primary 6!

Yesterday at Fernielea, lots of pupils across the school got involved in World Book Day by dressing up as their favourite book characters.

The whole school had a parade to show off their wonderful costumes and discuss which books their characters came from.

Here are some pictures of the Primary 6 characters!