Literacy Challenge

We have been focusing on reading Julia Donaldson stories.  The P1 children have been creating detailed black pen drawings to show the main characters in stories and the events that have happened.  The P2 children have been retelling these stories in their own words through writing.  They have been ensuring that when they are writing the stories they have discussed the main events in the correct order.

This week our challenge was to retell our own favourite stories.  Some children chose a Julia Donaldson story which we had read at school.  However, some children also chose to bring in their own personal favourite story from home!  Here are some photos of us discussing our favourite stories during Circle Time and some of our written work.


Gruffalo Tea Party

The P2 boys and girls in our class have been enjoying our Julia Donaldson Topic so far this term.  This week, our focus was on The Gruffalo.  Each afternoon we have been busy taking part in lots of learning activities linked to this story.  This afternoon in class to celebrate the end of The Gruffalo, we had a Gruffalo Tea Party.  We created menus and ate some wonderful creations.  Our menu included, Roasted Fox, Owl Ice Cream and Scrambled Snake.  However, we also decided to include some GRUFFALO CRUMBLE!  Here are some photos of us enjoying our Afternoon Tea.