P2 Literacy – sh and ch

So far the P2 children have been learning how to build words with the sh and ch sounds.  They have written lots of sentences with these words too! 🙂  This week they will be learning how to spell lots of words with the th sound.


P1 Literacy – s, a, t, i

So far in P1 we have learned the sounds s, a, t and i.  Your child will have their sound book in their green reading folder to show you.  Please ask them to show you the action, sing the song and even try to think of some words which have these sounds in them.  We have done a great job so far of trying to hold our pencils properly when learning the correct letter formations too.  You could ask your child to show you their Crocodile Grip at home, as the more we practise the better we will get! 🙂

Our Class

The very responsible P2 children have all enjoyed being Playground Buddies with the new P1 boys and girls.  They have been great role models to our new P1 children and they have been extremely helpful and kind.


Welcome to P1/2M

Welcome to the P1/2M Class Blog!   I hope you have all had a fantastic summer and are looking forward to the new school year!  I have attached our Term 1 Class Newsletter to let you know our aims this term.  Please keep visiting our Class Blog to see photos of the learning and activities taking place in P1/2M throughout the year.

Please click this link – P1.2 Term 1 Newsletter

Mrs Muir