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One of our class members has been spending time with Bruno our new school therapet to show him how things work in Fernilea. Bruno seems to be loving his visits and enjoys hearing our stories.



Happy Safe Achieving

We brainstormed ideas for what makes us feel happy, safe and achieving. We used our mind maps to create a word art together on the smart board for the front display.


Substance Misuse Week

The last weeks we have focussed on substance misuse for topic. We discussed being safe around medicine, what to do in an emergency and how to call for an ambulance. We acted out being on the phone to the emergency services. We then created comic strips, instructions and posters linked to our learning.



For ICT we have started to explore using the IPADs. We started with some typing(which was very different than on the laptops. ) We then logged into education city to play some of our class work games.  Right at the end of the lesson we got to explore the games on the IPADs.


Easter hunt

Primary 6 hid lots of chocolate lollies for Primary 2/3 and 3 to find! It was very tricky! After we had found our lollies we had a big game of duck duck goose!



Cosmic Yoga

When we can’t get into the gym hall we do cosmic yoga in the classroom. We love listening to Jamie and the stories! Our balance is getting much better!

Apardion talks

Massive well done to those who prepared and presented their Apardion talks this week! All posters were beautifully made, hit all success criteria and presented well! Big pat on the back to all!

Pop Art

This week we finally finished our pop art version of Marischall College. We were inspired by artist Andy Warhol and looked at his work before starting. We used pens, watercolours, shaving foam/food dye to create a marbling and straws to make splatter work. They turned out brilliantly! Good effort P2/3 it was very much a teamwork effort to get the, finished in time for the holidays!