Outdoor Area Action Day

On Wednesday parents, grandparents and children from Fernielea School came after school to give our outdoor area a make-over. Our fence was painted in beautiful rainbow colours, portable weaving looms, rain gauges, number and alphabet stones were created. The sandpit cover was covered in blackboard paint, an outdoor house and bikes were assembled. Everyone was kept busy! We had a great afternoon and we are so grateful to our team of willing volunteers. The ELC children love their new outdoor area!

This what they said today:

” It looks perfect, all the colours look perfect.” Olivier

“It is so colourful (the fence).” Megan

” I like the yellow house” Caleb

” I like the rainbow things.” Callan


Neon Disco

On Wednesday we had great fun at the Neon Disco the Parent Council organised for us. We looked great in our party clothes and neon accessories. We enjoyed dancing, playing musical games and doing the Hokey-Cokey.


Autumn Walk

On Tuesday the ELC classes went on an autumn walk to the Burnie. We found lots of leaves of different colours and we had fun walking in them and hearing the leaves crunch. We also did some bark rubbings. We took all our autumn finds back to ELC class. We made autumn crowns and created colour charts with our leaves. Thank you to all the parents and grandparents who accompanied us on our walk.