All posts by Mrs Torrens

Term 4 Newsletter

Welcome to back to Term 4 in the Green and Red ELC rooms. We hope you had a lovely Easter holiday. Please click on the link below to find our newsletter for this term. It will tell you some of the things we will be learning this term along with some important dates for your diary.

ELC Newsletter April 2018


Today our preschool children from both the Red and Green ELC rooms went to visit Mastrick library. We had good fun playing in the local play park and then having a picnic snack before going into the library for a storytelling session. The librarian read ‘Detective Dog’ by Julia Donaldson and ‘Birdy and Bou, The Floating Library’ by David Bedford. We really enjoyed our library visit. Thank you to all the parents and grandparents who accompanied us on our trip.

Book of the Week

Both the Red and Green ELC classes have started a book of the week. The purpose of this is allow the children to become really familiar with a story to develop their skills at retelling, commenting and answering questions on a story they have heard. Through the book of the week the children have explored characters in the story through painting them and have retold the story using puppets and our puppet theatre.



The book of the week this week in the Red ELC is ‘The Rainbow Fish’ by Marcus Pfister and in the Green ELC  it is ‘Mrs Honey’s Hat’ by Pam Adams.

Sports Relief

To raise money for Sports Relief the girls and boys from both the Red and Green ELC came dressed in their sport clothes. We also had an action packed, energetic day of obstacle courses in the gym, which the children could choose to complete. The children got the opportunity to practise their balancing, climbing, jumping and running skills . They all had great fun. Look at them in action!

Coffee and Chat

We had our first Coffee and Chat session on Thursday. It was great to see so many parents despite the weather. The coffee and chat session allowed parents to have the chance to get to know each other over and coffee and Mrs Bruce was also on hand to give support with the Interactive Learning Diaries. It has been great to see parents already commenting  on their child’s ILD. Look out for our next Coffee and Chat session coming soon!


In the Green and Red ELC classes we have been learning all about castles. We have enjoyed investigating how castles are different to our homes. We have transformed our house corner into a castle, even creating a drawbridge! We have made our own model castles and have been learning about who lives in a castle. Our nursery rhyme of the week, this week is “There was a Princess”. Click on the link below to hear it.

There was a Princess


Red Disco

We had a great time at our Red Disco on Wednesday. We dressed in red and had great fun dancing to the music. We played musical bumps and had a best dancer competition. Thank you to the Parent Council for organising  a great disco for us.

Summerhill Home Visit

On Monday the preschool children from both the Red and Green morning ELC rooms visited Summerhill Home to sing nursery rhymes to the residents.

We had a great morning and recited ‘Ten Green bottles, ‘ Two little birdies’, ‘3 Craws’ and ‘The Wheels on the Bus’. We enjoyed saying hello to the residents and getting a small snack while we were there.

Thank you to all the parents who accompanied us on our visit.

Robert Burns Celebrations

On the 25th of January we celebrated Robert Burns day. The children were given a challenge to find out who Roberts Burns was. They were able to report that he wrote letters and he was a man. We had a great day celebrating. We learnt about and tasted haggis, neeps and tatties. We also danced to some Scottish music and practised our weaving skills, creating tartan. In the afternoon we watched the school ceilidh. Look at all the fun we had!