What a busy term 1 of primary 2 it has been!
We have learned about parts of our community, map skills using grids, accessing Google maps and satellite maps, creating our own maps, going on our street walk, making street models and learning about different shapes and patterns in the types of houses in our community.
Each week we listen to and read books while exploring reading skills such as predicting, blending, using picture clues, visualising, inferencing and asking questions about the texts we read.
We study common/tricky words and sounds (phonemes) with spelling patterns (graphemes) each week in a range of active ways.
We have focused on writing personal recounts using the time connectives first, then, next, after that, finally while remembering capital letters, full stops, finger spaces and writing independently.
This term we have done lots of number work on place value, teen/ ty numbers, sequencing numbers, counting forwards, backwards, 10 more 10 less and some addition and subtraction. We have also explored, position/movement focusing on directions forwards, backwards, left, rIgbo using beebots, maps and grids. We have worked on recognising the names and properties of 2D and 3 D shapes.
Health and wellbeing
We have explored how to be a good friend, ways to solve small problems (conflicts) independently using Kelso’s Choices and how to be kind to others by being a Bucket Filler! We can also earn Dojo Points for our Dojo avatar by trying hard to follow our class essential agreements.
What at a great term in p2!