Crazy for Celts!

This week we learned more about the Celts. We visited p3 room12 to see their homemade Celtic roundhouses. Their designs were fantastic! We asked them questions and wrote some positive comments as feedback.

Next week we will make our own roundhouses! Please see the homework grid and letter for more information.

On Wednesday we had a very special visitor… Bren the Celtic expert! He shared lots of facts , information and models of artefacts from Celtic times.

We we got the opportunity to weave wooden walls for roundhouses, make clay pots, drill a hole in wood to create a Celtic pendant, grind wheat to make flour and studied ancient tools!

What a great day!



Term overview

Hopefully the weekly homework grid gives everyone an insight in to the learning activities we do each week in class.  Below is a term overview of some of our curricular subjects and the areas of learning we have and will continue to focus on…


Reading – continue decoding (sounding out unfamiliar words) expression and fluency, asking and answering a range of questions to help comprehension, retelling the story, recognising facts, opinions and the difference between the two.

Writing – poetry and features such as syllables, rhyme, rhythm, alliteration, emotion, acrostic, Haiku, free verse. We will soon explore fictional writing and make up our own imaginative stories. We continue to work on a range of spelling patterns (graphemes) and the associated sounds (phonemes).


Numeracy – Multiplication, division, addition, subtraction, halving, doubling and a range of ways to solve problems (strategies).

Maths topic – measuring length, measuring mass, shape and symmetry.

Social Subjects – having recently finished our science topic on materials and conservation we will now focus on history with The Celts. The children’s assessment task will be… ‘ I can present to an audience what I have learned about life in Celtic times and talk about the sources of evidence I used.’

Health and Wellbeing physical education in class we will focus on contemporary dancing and Scottish dancing, yoga stretches/strength and football skills.

Mental wellbeing – we will focus on understanding the importance of mental wellbeing, people we can approach for help with this, ways to strengthen our wellbeing through positive relationships with others and developing our coping skills and resilience during tricky situations or tough times. (Bucket filling, Kelsos Choices, caught you cards).

Marvellous maths!

As you know in maths we have been learning about measuring length and multiplication.

In measurement we have taken part in a range of hands on activities to develop our understanding of:

  • estimating
  • accurately using measurement tools such as cubes, paper clips, rulers, metre sticks, tape measures, trundle wheels
  • measuring to nearest centimetre, metre and some of us explored millimetres!

While learning about multiplication we work on skip counting, we use number lines to physically ‘jump’ the numbers, we create arrays using cubes, we work out word problems involving fish in ponds and cubes in towers, we also play multiplication games as a class like ‘Buzz’ and on the computer on Education City.

We are trying to remember that…

  • multiplication means adding equal groups, amounts or numbers to find a total
  • learning times tables will help us solve number problems quuickly



Busy bees!

What a busy week we had in P3 r19!

On Monday we learned some facts about the famous Rabbie Burns. We know he was a famous Scottish poet who lived over 250 years ago. He wrote songs and poems about love, the farm and politics. To celebrate Burns we eat haggis, wear tartan, do some Scottish country dancing and listen to his well known poems and songs.

We used our imaginations to create our own tartan patterns and haggis beasties during art and writing, have a look….

On Wednesday we did buddy reading with Primary 5. We got the chance to be the experts on giant pandas and how to write a non fiction text. The primary 5s were very impressed and left us a star and a wish as feedback…

On Thursday we had a visit from Mr Hannes at the Montgomery centre. He came to talk to us about Fairtrade products and how we are all connected to people working with  materials which come from all  around the world. Fairtrade products cost a bit more but give the workers who make the products a fairer amount of money.

See if you can spot Fairtrade products the next time you go shopping!

Finally on Friday p3 were given the opportunity to take part in the school Prayer Space activities…

What a busy week!!