Computer skills

Over the last 4 weeks during ICT (information communication and technology) lessons we have worked on creating power point presentations about the Celts with a partner.

We worked on many skills:

  • typing
  • changing font
  • inserting and editing images
  • sharing knowledge
  • taking turns

On Wednesday and Thursday as a little bit of extra homework Miss Fraser will send each slide show home and ask for your child to work on their speaking parts for their presentations which will be on Friday.

We will be discussing more about how to engage an audience by being a good speaker and how to be a good listener in the audience.


Doctors in training!

Room 19 were learning about the heart. We learned that it beats to pump blood to our muscles too help us move. Did you know that your blood vessels are long enough to wrap around the Earth almost 3 times? We know that our hearts are very important and need to be looked after.

We practised finding our pulse and used some plasticine and straws to help us!

Archie in Africa

In March we took part in raising funds and awareness for Archie in Africa – a North East of Scotland based charity which supports a children’s hospital in Uganda. Every student at Broomhill walked or jogged 15 laps around our school to represent the distance of the border of Uganda. We had a great time in p3 r19 walking our laps and dressing in the colours of the Ugandan flag. A big thank you to everyone for the generous donations towards the Archie in Africa cause – Broomhill School raised over £436.39 !!
