Best Start Grant

Best Start Grant

The Best Start Grant is made up of three possible payments. It provides parents or carers who get certain benefits or tax credits with financial support during the key early years of a child’s life.

  • the Pregnancy and Baby Payment – a one-off payment of £600 for a first child or £300 for a second or later child. It can be paid during pregnancy or until the baby is six months old in most cases. It could help you pay for maternity clothes, a cot or a pram
  • the Early Learning Payment – a one-off payment of £250 if your child is between two and three and a half years old. It could help you pay for day trips, books or toys for home learning
  • the School Age Payment – a one-off payment of £250 if your child is around school starting age. It could help you pay for a new school bag, school trips or after school activities.

The three payments are grants, not loans, so you don’t have to pay them back. You can decide how you want to spend the money.

When you need to apply for the School Age Payment depends on when your child was born:

Your child’s date of birth When you can apply
Between 1 March 2014 and 28 February 2015 Last date for applications was 29 February 2020
Between 1 March 2015 and 29 February 2016 Between 1 June 2020 and 28 February 2021
Between 1 March 2016 and 28 February 2017 Between 1 June 2021 and 28 February 2022

You cannot apply outwith these dates.

You cannot apply for the School Age Payment for a child born before 1st March 2014.

If you get the School Age Payment, you’ll get £250 for each child you can get the payment for.

To find out more and apply click here


Please also check to see if you qualify for Scottish Child Payment.

Friday 22nd of January- Pm-Counting Cars Challenge

On todays afternoon Google Meet, I told the afternoon children I was going for a walk to Hazelhead Park and wondered how many cars would be in the car park.

On the meet some of the children guessed how many cars they thought I would see, the guesses included 1 car, 5 cars and 10 cars.

I counted up to 44 cars in the car park!

There was lots of different colours of cars, red, orange, black, blue, green and white.

When you go out for a walk could you count how many cars you can see? You could look for a particular colour of car, and see how many of those you see when you are out for a walk.

You could even count cars from a window in your house, how many cars are on your street?

As always, stay safe

1000 Hours – Sticks.

I have been outside a lot with my chickens.  I have six now and they have been in their own lockdown since November. So they are sadly not allowed out around my garden anymore.

Having my chickens means I am outside often to clean them out, feed them and make sure they have fresh water. I also like to  spend time with them and give them treats and cuddles.

If you have a dog, taking them for walks would count as time outside. Maybe you take them to the park, around the streets or to the woods.

This week I have been taking my dog up to the woods (Gramps) and down to the river. We also went to Tollohill  woods to play on the tree swings. Everytime we go to the woods, we always come home with sticks. One for my daughter, one for my son and of course one for me!

A stick collection has been growing on my back door step since I had both my children. Although my own mother still has my collection sitting at her back door and when ever my children go through to visit they seem to add more to the collection.

A good stick is something special. Teach your child how to hold their stick safely. In nursery we advise all sticks be carried upright. We remove any small side shoots and try to round off the ends so they are not pointy.

If like me you find a collection of sticks at your back door then you may be interested  in the following ideas.

In the nursery garden we have lovely straight sticks of different heights.

We measured our sticks to one meter and then used them to measure things around the nursery garden. After a while we got a few one meter sticks and cut them down, so we had half a meter and 25 cm sticks too. Allowing our children to measure themselves, each other, the staff, their toys and everything else they can find.

We painted the ends so we knew what sticks matched to make a whole meter stick. Easy Maths Sticks.

What could you measure?

Having a collection of sticks is a helpful loose part to have at home.

Using big sticks and a sheet you could build a den.

You could make a wand.

Maybe you could make a shape  and weave some pretty leaves in to your dream catcher or add feathers, pinecones and  other things you find outside.


Maybe you could use your sticks to make a dragon cave, or a home for your fairies.


There are loads of ideas for what to do with those sticks. SO lets see your amazing ideas too.

Share your sticky masterpieces on the interactive learning diary (ILD) I can’t wait to see what you make.


Outdoor Activities: 20 Ways to Play with Sticks

10 Little Stick Activities



Wednesday 20th of January

Hello Everyone!

How are we feeling today?  Do you have a thumbs up, down or in the middle? You could ask an adult to share your feelings to ILD with a reason to why you may feel this way.

It is cold again today, so I thought we could warm ourselves up with some exercises. You could do this with siblings or as a family, and let us know how you get on.

What else could you do to keep yourself warm? Have you got a cosy blanket you like to wrap yourself in?  Or do you enjoy a lovely hot chocolate to warm yourself up on a cold winters day? Again you can share your ideas of what you do to keep yourself cosy by email or ILD.

I believe we may get some more snow by the weekend, would you like it to snow? What would you make in the snow?

You could create winter pictures, by drawing or painting? You could even recycle an old bottle to create a snowflake image.

See the source image

If you do choose to create a snowflake picture, how many snowflakes can you print? What else could you use to make patterns with?


Was there a white layer covering the ground this morning? Did you see this yesterday morning? This white covering is called frost, here is a little video to tell us about it:

Our story today is Winnie in Winter:

Tuesday 19th January

Hello Everyone!

As we are going for walks and taking part in the 1000 hours outside challenge, we need to remember to keep ourselves safe on the roads. Here are a few videos to remind ourselves of how we can be safe when out and about.



We may even be practicing riding our bikes, but we still need to stay safe.

If you do go out and about, upload your pictures to ILD as we would love to see them, but remember to stay safe.

Monday 18th January

Hello everyone, I hope you all had a nice weekend.

Today I have two things for you. The first is another story about how we fill our buckets.

Are you managing to keep your buckets filled at home? or have you had some bucket dipping happening? Don’t forget to get a grown up to write on your bucket all the lovely and kind things you are doing to keep buckets filled.

The other job I have for you today is to practice your days of the week. I know some of you have messaged us and told us that you have been practicing these. You can learn these lots of different ways. The song we use in nursery is the one that is set to the Adams Family tune.


Have a great day and stay safe.

Friday 15th January

Morning Everyone,

Can you believe it is the last day of the school week already.

If today is Friday can you remember what tomorrow will be?

That’s right it is………….Saturday! The first day of the weekend.

I have another challenge for you.

You will need to use your fantastic listening ears for this one. Are you ready?

I would like you to go on a SOUND HUNT. Just like a bear, shape or number hunt but using your ears.

You can share what you find on your ILD – maybe you can take a photo as well.

Here is something I hear everyday in my garden, can you guess what sound it makes?  Do you know what it is?

I wonder what you will hear? Will it be a bus? or maybe you will hear an owl?

I wonder if you would hear the same sounds every day or do they change each day?

I do look forward to hearing about what you find.

Did you know that having great listening ears is an excellent skill to have

Have a great weekend and happy Sound hunting!

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