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Busy Afternoon Nursery!

We were super busy in the afternoon nursery yesterday. We had a great day, and everyone was engaged in a range of activities. We did a lovely decorating job for a Christmas surprise, created a picture for the morning nursery, counted and thread beads with the baubles to help with our fine motor skills, took part in a drawing activity, played a Santa dice game for number recognition, took part in some dancing and even had time for a quick walk around the school grounds.



A week in the morning nursery!

This week we have been so busy!


We found lots of ice in our nursery garden.

The leaves were frozen solid!

We watched the ice melt on our warm fingers and counted how many seconds until it was all gone.

The frost was beautiful!

We also did a lot of math this week.

We found out one of our friends is exactly a meter high!

We have a meter stick and then two sticks that are 1/2 a meter then four sticks that are 1/4 meter. The children were very engaged in measuring each other and themselves as well as everything in the nursery and the garden.

We took our meter sticks and measuring tapes and went to find more sticks that measure 1 meter.

Some were smaller and some were bigger!

We got bark in our nursery garden to help soak up the mud! The staff worked really hard to make it less muddy for us.

Now that it is less muddy the children used the loose parts to build a brilliant extension on to the climbing frame.

We also did painting outside on the ice and frost, the paint froze on the wood causing pretty patterns.  The children were encouraged to find something to paint with and most found sticks while others used fingers or hands.


This week has been so busy we have been developing our math skills including our number recognition.


PM Nursery

This week in nursery, the children are learning about mathematical terms- whole, halves and quarters. So far we have been using measuring sticks to measure our height and we have also been using play dough to share it out in wholes, halves and quarters. Using the whole, halved and quartered sticks, we have been exploring length and heights of items within nursery. We will continue to develop our knowledge throughout the week.

Below is just a few photos of what we have been up to so far:

PM- Outdoor fun!

We have been having lots of fun outdoors recently. We have been going for walks around the school grounds and have been taking part in different activities along the way. We have been singing, playing games and had a shape hunt. We all really enjoyed playing the Grand Old Duke of York on the hill.

We have been working really hard on identifying shapes and sizes for our numeracy focus.

Tuesday AM at the park.

Today the morning nursery went to a local park for a play.

First we had to check the park for any signs of dogs. Sadly we found a lot but the teachers picked it up and put it in the bin.

We stood in a circle to discuss the rules. We needed to know where we were allowed to go and also what to do if a dog came to the park.

We know that we must stay still lift our hands to our chests and show the dog our back, that keeps us safe and stops the dog nipping our fingers and faces.

Once the rules were discussed and we decided how far around the park we could run we went to play.

We pushed our friends on the swings and took turns on all the play park apparatus.

We lined up and waited for our turn on the slide too.

We were all full of giggles and came back to nursery in time for snack and then it was home time.

The children discussed the green cross code and how to safely cross a road. Remember to “STOP, LOOK and LISTEN” when you are walking with your child.

Wood Work Monday AM

The morning nursery have been working hard getting their secret art project underway. The children have been learning the important  rules of saw safety.

The children all had to listen carefully to the teacher and they had to concentrate on the task at hand.

All of our children who had a turn to cut their wooden branch then had to take their branch inside to measure it.

The children were so proud of their efforts and are all excited to share their finished products with the parents…. once they are complete.

The children showed great gross motor, concentration and listening skills today in the nursery as well as developing their numeracy by measuring their branches against a tape measure and other items in the class.


Important Dates

It is hard to believe that we are almost at the end of November. We have been really busy here at nursery and the time has passed so quickly.

As we head into December I would like to thank all the parents for there support so far. As we all know December is one of our busy but exciting and fun times at Nursery. This year our activities and celebrations might look a little different but we will still experience the Christmas Fun and Magic that we usually do.

Here are some important dates for your Diary.

Friday 11th December

Christmas Jumper Day  – with donations going to Cash for Kids

Wednesday 16th December

Wear your pajamas day and Christmas Cinema

Thursday 17th December

Christmas Party

Friday 18th December

Last day of Term.

Nursery staff will keep you updated about these events.

Thank you the Nursery Team 🙂