Day 1 Reflection

Hi all!

Well we have officially completed our first day of online learning! In my opinion, I think the kids did great! There were a few difficulties with uploading but with practice, they will get better. I loved seeing some of their Create Something Great creations – very creative!

I posted a message for the kids earlier today, but I wanted to remind parents as well. I will be posting an activity to hand in each day as well as fun activities to keep them busy. Do not worry if home is busy or access to devices is limited. This is new for all of us and we will get the hang of it soon. I do not want families to be overwhelmed as I know there are multiple siblings in some or parents working from home. If there are any problems, don’t hesitate to send me a message on ClassDojo or an email.

-Miss Lakusta 🙂

Online Learning

Good morning all!

Today marks our first day of online learning! I am excited to see how the students take on this challenge – I know they’ll do great!

On Google Classroom, I posted a schedule I had in mind for the students and they all agreed with it. We will be sticking with some of the routines like spelling test, big maths and mental maths as I think these are important things that will continue to help.

Each day there will be an activity for the students to complete. They are nothing crazy and can even be done on a piece of paper and then a picture can be taken to hand in.

-Miss Lakusta