Welcome back Everyone! Hope you had a good weekend!
Here are our Big Maths CLIC Targets for this week :
C – I can partition a 2 digit number (e.g 36 = 30 + 6)
L – I can say the 5 x table.
I – I can find the missing number to the next multiple of 10. (e.g. 28 + ? = 30) Use your jigsaw numbers to 10 to help you!
C – I can subtract a 1 digit number from a multiple of 10 (e.g. 50 – 6 = 44, 70-3 = 67)
Try working on them for 15 minutes each day!
Let’s brush up on our 5 x table facts by getting active and singing along !
- Play Hit the Button to speed up the recall of your 5 x table facts. Record your highest score for Hit the Answer and Hit the Question. Squares you can also try dividing by 5 on here too.
This game is great for your Counting CLIC target this week as it helps you with partitioning numbers. Try 2 digit numbers first and if you are finding that easy, why not try 3 digit or even 4 digit numbers!
This week’s spelling sounds are: Rubies (o-e) Sapphires (ur) Diamonds (are)
Here are our spelling lists for this week. Please click on the image to see the full list of words.
You can write your words as normal in your spelling homework book and perhaps you might like to try one of the spelling activities from the grid below:
- Why not choose a new reading book from the Oxford Owls at Home website?
This week, spend time finding out about an endangered animal of your choice. You can create a poster or fact sheet about your chosen animal. Draw pictures and write some interesting facts to explain why your animal is in danger. There is lots of information online but here are a couple of website links to help you get you started:
Please remember to send me in any pictures of what the children have been getting up to in their learning, either by email or Dojo message, Thanks!
Have a great day!