Abbotswell Primary 2

Sharing our learning

Wednesday 25th March


Happy Wednesday everyone!


It’s hard to believe that we’re already halfway through the week (I’m sure some of the grown ups can definitely believe it!). I hope that by now most technical issues have straightened out and everyone has been able to access the digital resources. If not, please continue to get in touch and i’ll do everything I can to solve these issues!

Here are the suggested activities for today:


Reading and writing

Could you watch the animated video for We’re Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen.


Think about the words that are used to describe how the family are going to go on their Bear Hunt

“We can’t go over it”

“We can’t go under it”

“We’ve got to go through it”

We’ve spoken about these words in class once or twice – we call them prepositions.


Please have a look at this powerpoint that gives us some more information about prepositions

Worm Preposition Powerpoint

There is also a worksheet that you can discuss with your grown up – there’s no need to print it off!

Preposition matching 1

Preposition matching 2

Your challenge!

I would like you to choose a favourite toy and put it somewhere in your house. Write a couple of sentences to describe going on a hunt for your toy.

For example:

I went on a Hunt to find Everywhere Bear. I went in to the kitchen. Everywhere bear was inside the fridge!

Some prepositions to think about – in, on, under, through, inside, outside, beside. Can you think of any others?

Please send me some lovely pictures of you going on a hunt for your favourite toy!



We have been lucky enough to have weekly yoga classes in school each Wednesday and this is something P2 have really enjoyed. There are many great yoga videos for kids on YouTube and I like this one (I bet you can guess why I picked this one!):


Please continue to access the activities on Education city. To practice our odd and even numbers have a go at Hit the Cocount.

In class we normally have our colour coded number squares to help us remember which numbers are odd and which numbers are even. The one you have at home is not colour coded, but i’m adding a picture you can use here.



Odd number end with 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9

Even numbers end with 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8


Thank you everyone for all of your hard work so far this week. These activities I am giving are just a suggestion and everyone’s priority at this time is the health and well-being of our families. Please don’t be concerned if you can’t do everything, just dip in and out as and when you can and remember that i’m here to help!


Have a fantastic day!

-Miss Allardyce




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