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Term 4 Week 1

Good morning and welcome back to the new term.

I hope everyone had a restful holiday and that you are all safe and well.

Please remember we will now be using Google Classroom to post work on this term. You will need to log in to get started. If you have lost your log in details please send me an email and I will get them to you.

Friday 3rd April 2020

Good morning. We’ve made it to the end of the week 2 and the end of term. Hope you’re still all well and managing to keep busy.

Here is the Fischy Music assembly for week 2.


Practise your phonics sounds from this week. Try the maths games on Education City or Top Marks. Click on the link below to see Word Wall 4 – our last 12 common words. You can use it to practise and learn the words or try a matching game.

Word Wall 4


Try doing your own spelling test.                                                                              If you would like to do Beat That for this week click on the Beat That Week 1  link below. Remember to set a timer for 50 or 60 seconds.

Beat That week 1

Try the maths games on Top Marks or Education City.

Bounce Back

This week’s topic is Friends can be different.

Here are some story suggestions for this topic.

Think about how you are different to some of your friends. Choose one friend and draw a picture of the two of you together. Try thinking about how you are the same and how you are different. Write down or ask someone to help write your ideas.

This is another story celebrating friendship between all kinds of people.

For a follow up activity try making a rainbow with cut out hands. Draw round your hand seven times on different coloured papers or colour in the seven hands in different colours. Cut them out and stick them together to make a rainbow arc.

Easter Activities

As this is the last day of term before Easter you may want to do some Easter art or craft. Try drawing and decorating your own Easter Eggs. If you have access to a printer you may want to print out some Easter worksheets. Twinkl is free to access at the moment          free access code   UKTWINKLHELPS

Some other ideas you might want to try.  An adult may have to help with some of the folding and cutting.

Hope you all manage to enjoy the Easter Holidays, get some rest at home with your family and stay safe.


Thursday 2nd April 2020

Good morning.

Here is a useful link to explain the corona virus to children.

PE with Joe –  if you haven’t tried this yet here is the link to last Thursday’s session or join Joe live at 9am every day.

P1 – Revise the ue sound. Here are some links to watch.

P2 – Practise your spelling words.

Don’t forget you can write a diary entry on some days of the week. Write about how you are feeling and about what you have done. You can draw a picture too.


Look back at the CLIC targets for the week (in the weekly blog post)

Try some of the Top Marks or Education City maths games suggested.



We normally have French with Mrs Gilmore on a Thursday and she has recommended this website. It is free to register with.

Outdoor Learning

Thursday is our outdoor learning afternoon. Try going out into your garden for some outdoor play time. You could collect some sticks and try writing your name  with them. Or you could make some stick men.

If you’re looking for ideas for things to do outside why not check out the RSPB wild challenge. There are lots of activity suggestions – you can sign up to gain awards or just try some of the activities.


Here is Tracey Corderoy reading Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam.

Wednesday 1st April 2020

Remember to check the weekly blog post for CLIC and phonics/spelling for the week.

P1 – Revise the oi sound. Here are some links to watch.


Today’s yoga.


P1 – Try a shape game today on Top Marks. In polygon playground you can create pictures or tilings or make symmetrical pictures.

Or continue to practise addition and subtraction to 10.

P2 –  Try a data handling game today on Top Marks counting tally marks. This will help with your counting in 5s.

Or continue to practise addition and subtraction to 20.


The next drawing lesson with Steven Lenton. Very appropriate for our topic as we have looked at robots.

Or try a mermaid from Lydia Monks.


Have a listen to Steven Lenton reading his book about Princess Daisy.

Tuesday 31st March 2020


Revise the ou sound. Here are some links to watch.

P2 – Remember to practise your spelling each day.

Writing – if you would like to try some writing here is a suggestion for today.

Listen to the story – Tiddler

P1 – Give your child the sentence starter – you will need to write this for them to copy.

Sorry I’m late, I was …

then they can choose an ending

riding on a seahorse.

flying with a ray.

diving with a dolphin.

swimming round a shipwreck.

Draw a picture and write the sentence – don’t forget finger spaces and the full stop.

P2 – Draw a picture and write about what happened in the story.

Don’t forget – try to use a wow word and a connective (and, but, so, because). Remember finger spaces and punctuation marks.


Here is a suggestion from Mr Smith the music teacher. You may want to try this.

Incredibox is really fun to play! The concept is simple and consists of drag-and-dropping sound icons on different characters to make them beatbox.

Book Buddies

Tuesday is our book buddy day. Why not share a story today with someone in your house. It could even be a brother or sister.

Monday 30th March 2020


Revise the qu sound. Here are some links to watch.


Practise your spelling words.


Top Marks games to try

This is a hundred square which can be used for counting forwards or backwards. You can paint in number patterns such as odd/even, count in 3s, 4s, 5s or 10s. (P1 or P2)

This game will help with number bonds to 10. (P1)

This game helps with addition to 10 with actual objects to count. (P1)–math0

Keep trying Hit The Button. There are lots of different options for levels of difficulty and you can try to beat your own score in the time limit. (P1 or P2)


For our Future Topic we have been learning about technology and the world of work. Have a look at this link about computers and how they work.

Don’t forget to check the 100 indoor activities for some ideas of things to try.

Week beginning Monday 30th March 2020

Welcome to week 2. The activities suggested here can be done on each day of the week. Spend a little time on CLIC and on spelling/phonics each day. There are some links added which may help.

Spend about 5 minutes on each section (C, L, I, C) daily.

CLIC stands for –

C – counting

L – learn its (number facts which are learned for quick recall)

I – it’s nothing new (counting fact or learn it which can be applied to any object or amount)

C – calculations (add, subtract, multiply or divide)


C – counting on and counting back (one more and one less within 10)

L – 1+1   2+2   3+3   4+4   5+5 ( ask these daily for quick recall)

I – doubling ( double 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

C – division (share out objects fairly – use toys/teddies)


C – read 3 digit numbers (write some 3 digit numbers for your child to read)

L – 4+3   5+3   6+3    number bonds to 10 (ask these daily for quick recall)

I – doubling and halving (double 1-9, half 2-18)

C – division (share 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 into 3 groups)



This week we are revising- qu, ou, oi, ue, er, ar

 Please use the sounds in the yellow envelope to make simple words. You will have to make your own er and ar sounds.  E.g. quiz, cloud, coin, statue, river, star etc. (You can also use our previous sounds). Try drawing or writing your words.

Our 2 common words for this week are then and that.

Try activities similar to the one we do each week for homework – how many of each word can you find and write the words.



This week our spelling pattern is igh

night, light, fight, might, fright, bright, any, many

Extra challenge word for this week for those who want to try – frightening.

Spelling activities to try this week –

*Across and Down Words- Write each of your spelling words across and then down starting from the first letter.

*Bubble Letters- Write each of your spelling words in bubble letters. After you finish, color your words with crayon or colored pencils.

*Choo-choo Words- Write the entire list end-to-end as one long word, using different colored pencils or pens for each word.

*Trace a Shape- Draw a shape for each of your spelling words. Then write the word along each side.

In the absence of reading books coming home, below is a link to a great resource called Oxford Owls for Home. It’s completely free to register and it gives access to lots of Oxford Reading books in their free eLibrary. Some of the ebooks have interactive comprehension activities too.

Once registered, there is a tool which helps you to select books at the correct level for your child or you can just browse books by age group.

As well as reading books, you can also find maths games and a home learning activities section with interactive activities and free printable worksheets.

Definitely worth a look!

Julia Donaldson’s top tips for reading with your child