Maths websites

Here are some useful maths websites:

What a fantastic term!


It is great to see how much progress the pupils have made so far, a big well done!



We all had a great afternoon listening to our successes and achievements at our ‘P2K Award Afternoon’ – we even had a red carpet.

Image result for red carpet awards cartoon


There was lots of excitement, cheering and clapping! Have a look at some of our (blurry) pictures!


I hope you all have a great October break and come back with lots of great stories about all of the adventures you have been on.


Miss Keith Image result for teachers apple


Well done to those pupils who have been practising reading and writing the words on the word walls.  I am very impressed!

Please continue to practise the word walls with your child. Once your child can write the word confidently on three separate occasions – highlight the word.

Image result for highlight clip art


A few parents have asked for extra homework over the holidays.

Although there will be no set homework, it would be very beneficial to revise all spelling sounds/words and reading word walls (past and present).


Below are a list of all of the spelling words:



















































































ow (these words have not been sent home yet)












We have been working extremely hard and very busy with our number work this term. 


Image result for numbers

Here is an overview of what we have been learning.


Although there is no set homework, any extra time at home over the holidays could be spent revising these topics! 


Image result for numbers children clipart

 I know the forward number sequence to 100.
 I know the backward number sequence from 100 to 0
 I can read and write numbers to 100 in numerals
 I can order consecutive numbers within 100

 I can find missing numbers on a number line or square up to 100


Image result for 100 square

 I can use < and > to compare two numbers within 100

Image result for crocodile eats bigger number


 I can say how many tens there are in a two digit number, for example six 10s in 67
 I can say how many ones there are in a two digit number.
 I can partition a two digit number and say what each digit represents, for example 67 is 60 and 7

Image result for partition 2 digit number

 I can use place value materials to show that I understand the value of the digits in two digit numbers, for example Dienes, Numicon, Tens Frames, Place Value Arrows

Image result for dienes to show place value

 I understand that the order in which I add numbers does not matter, for example I understand that 2 + 6 is the same as 6 + 2

 I can count on from the larger number to subtract within 20
 I can double 2 digit multiples of 10



After the holidays we will be moving on to a ‘Shape, position and movement’ topic. 

Image result for 2d shapes

Image result for 3d shapes

Week 4!  A quick update

Week 4!  A quick update

This week we have started our ‘Super Savers’ topic. We have been challenged to create a superhero to help save Cults Primary School and the world.

Image result for superhero

This term, our topic in Primary Two is all about ‘Our Caring World’.  The children will be learning about ways to care for the environment, the conservation of materials and how our needs and wants can affect the environment in which we live.


On Monday during assembly Miss Mackay explained that a special delivery had arrived in the school office and it was addressed to Primary Two!  The box contained an envelope for each class.  Inside the envelope we found our first mission!  The children are going to be taking on the role of ‘Super Savers’ who will help to make Cults Primary School a more caring place.   So far this week, we have received three missions.  It has been a very busy week in Primary Two!

See the source image

Dear Primary 2s,

We have a mission for you, if you wish to accept it.

Can you help us to make Cults Primary School a more caring place?

We need some superheroes to save energy and encourage people to stop wasting materials.

Your first mission:

Transform yourself into a superhero and think about how you could help Cults Primary.

Your superhero should have:

  • A mask
  • A cape
  • A superhero suit
  • A name

Mission two will arrive tomorrow, be prepared to get messy. If you have any superhero masks or capes, please bring them in.

Image result for Mission 2

Dear Primary 2s,

Mission Two

Let’s get messy

Can you use your drawing of yourself as a superhero to make a superhero mask?

Think about:

  • Shape
  • Colour
  • Design

See the source image

Dear Primary 2s,

Mission Three

Now that you are becoming a superhero, your next mission is to look around your house and bring in 3-5 items which can be recycled on Monday 17th September.

For example: You could bring a newspaper, a milk carton and a cardboard box.

Your next mission will arrive on Monday.

Image result for saving the world





For writing this week we had to use adjectives to create a character description of our superhero.

 Image result for writing




Some of us have been learning to use < and > to compare two numbers,


Others have been learing the forward number sequence to 100


Above is a video the pupils enjoyed about these symbols.



‘Play dates’

A reminder – if your child is getting picked up by anyone other than yourself, please write a quick note to make me aware.

Image result for notes cartoon


Paired Reading

We have teamed up with P6M for paired reading. We had great fun with our buddies. Each week we will be doing a differet paired activity, sometimes reading, sometimes maths and hopefully science.

Open evening

The children are very excited to show you our wall displays and some of the activities they have been doing in P2. Hoping to see you all on Wednesday evening 5-6.30.

Image result for openevening


Golden time fun!



Here are some photos the pupils have taken this week. Enjoy your weekend.


Week 3

WOW P2K, we have worked very hard this week. A big well done to everyone who made it to the top of the ladder!

Here is a quick summary of our week.


Image result for wow words

This week in writing we learned about describing words. We brain stormed lots of describing words then had to describe where Elmer lived and what he looked like. Some of us managed to include lots of WOW words.



Some of us have been learning how to order numbers to 30. We have been learning about the words; before, after, smaller, larger and in between. Help us practise these at home using our 100 square.

Image result for ordering numbers to 30

Others have been learning how to partition numbers using tens and units cubes.

For example 53 = 50 + 3

49 = 40 + 9

137 = 100 + 30 +7


Image result for partitioning numbers




We have had great fun playing at our phonic stations this week. Next week will be our last week of revision before moving on.


We made some cool glasses to help us remember the oo sound.


Image result for homeworkHomeworkImage result for homework

Keep up the fantastic homework P2K. Remember to practise your maths flash cards and your 100 square too!


Learning Zones

Our learning zones changed this week. Lots of the boys and girls were really enjoying them. The pupils have been using the camera to take photos of their creations/puzzles and activities.



A big thank you to all the boys and girls who dressed up and donated to CLAN.


Image result for cartoon starsGolden timeImage result for cartoon stars

Next week there will be baking for Golden Time, I wonder which superstars will make it to the top!


Have a super weekend P2K! Image result for thumbs up

Week 2

Another fantastic week 2K! It has been a very busy one!

Image result for smiley faces


Here are some of the things we have been doing.


We had great fun at singing with P2M! Ask us which songs we were learning.



Here are some of us revising our ‘ch’ and ‘sh’ sounds. We had to create the words Miss Keith was saying then pop our hands on our head.



For writing this week, we continued to look at capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. We had to write 3 facts about ourselves.


Next week we will be learning about describing words.


Learning Zones

We have really enjoyed our learning zones this week. Many of us have made lots of creations and asked Miss Keith to take pictures for the blog. Look at what great fun we have had.



How great do our self-portraits look?



Image result for target Targets Image result for target

This week we set terrific targets on leaves. Image result for leave cartoon

We created a literacy and numeracy target. Once we achieve the target, the leaves (targets) will fall off the tree and we will set some more.


Doesn’t our tree look fantastic? Image result for thumbs up


I thought I would put an example of the written homework for this week on the blog.

The pupils were delighted that their parents have homework too! Looking forward to reading the handouts. Image result for smiley face

Week 1

Image result for week 1

What a fantastic first week we have had together! A big well done for all your hard work and for making our new class member feel so welcome. I can tell this is going to be a great year!Image result for smiley face thumbs up


Learning Zones

We had great fun playing and exploring our new learning zones.




Have a look at how hard we were working when creating our fabulous self-portraits.


Golden rules

Image result for golden rules jenny mosley

This week we listened to a story about one of our golden rules – always being kind and helpful. We then did a circle time discussing examples of our class members being kind and helpful. Lots of the children were keen to share that they were kind and helpful at home too – helping brothers and sisters and emptying the dishwasher! Very impressive! We will be looking at another golden rule next week.


Image result for writing cartoonWriting Image result for writing cartoon

We were challenged to write about our summer holidays. We had to impress Miss Keith and show her what we remembered about writing. Some of us remembered that we need finger spaces between words and others remembered that sentences need capital letters and the beginning and full stops at the end.


This week we have been revising our letters and remembering which way round some of our initial sounds go. Here are some pictures of us remembering ‘sh.’

Image result for sh phonics


We were learning about the word unique through the story of Elmer. We talked about differences and why it is important to be respectful of differences. We then had a great (and very messy) morning using our fine motor skills cutting, sticking and creating our bright and colourful Elmers. We think that they will create a super wall display. 

 Image result for elmer
Homework will start next week - it may include a small task for parents too!


This week has been fantastic P2K. I wonder what next week has in store…




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