What a fantastic first week we have had together! A big well done for all your hard work and for making our new class member feel so welcome. I can tell this is going to be a great year!
Learning Zones
We had great fun playing and exploring our new learning zones.
Have a look at how hard we were working when creating our fabulous self-portraits.
Golden rules
This week we listened to a story about one of our golden rules – always being kind and helpful. We then did a circle time discussing examples of our class members being kind and helpful. Lots of the children were keen to share that they were kind and helpful at home too – helping brothers and sisters and emptying the dishwasher! Very impressive! We will be looking at another golden rule next week.
We were challenged to write about our summer holidays. We had to impress Miss Keith and show her what we remembered about writing. Some of us remembered that we need finger spaces between words and others remembered that sentences need capital letters and the beginning and full stops at the end.
This week we have been revising our letters and remembering which way round some of our initial sounds go. Here are some pictures of us remembering ‘sh.’
We were learning about the word unique through the story of Elmer. We talked about differences and why it is important to be respectful of differences. We then had a great (and very messy) morning using our fine motor skills cutting, sticking and creating our bright and colourful Elmers. We think that they will create a super wall display.
Homework will start next week - it may include a small task for parents too!
This week has been fantastic P2K. I wonder what next week has in store…
Fantastic to see everything they’ve been doing this week and to see Ava settling into the new class