All posts by Mrs Douglas

Our Scottish Celebration

We had a great afternoon celebrating Scotland!

We learned some new Doric words and phrases, listened to some poetry and stories, participated in some Scottish Country Dancing and shared some of our own Scots poetry!

We also tried some haggis, neeps and tatties and washed it all down with an Irn Bru.

Phonics & Skills

Week begging 28th January

This week the P4 boys and girls will be learning 2 different sounds.

Foxes = le

Badger & Hedgehogs = ee/ea/e-e

They will focus on these phonemes for two weeks. Please play with them and encourage them to build their knowledge and understanding around theses sounds and blends.

CLIC Targets

We will be working on the following CLIC Targets this week

– I can partition a 3 digit number, then 4 digit number

– 4 x table

– I can double 3 digit multiples of 100 (with crossing 10)

– I can take any 2 digit number from 100

Try to make any maths work at home as fun as possible – games, puzzles and jigsaws are a great way to start. It is also important to show how we use maths skills in our everyday lives so try to involve your child in this.

We will be focusing on the concept of money during term 3.

Try to encourage your child to identify and use all coins and notes up to at least £20 and explore different ways of making the same total.

CLIC Targets

We will be working on the following CLIC Targets this week

– I can partition a 3 digit number, then 4 digit number

– 4 x table

– I can double 3 digit multiples of 100 (without crossing 10)

– I can take any 2 digit number from 100

Try to make any maths work at home as fun as possible – games, puzzles and jigsaws are a great way to start. It is also important to show how we use maths skills in our everyday lives so try to involve your child in this.

We will be focusing on the concept of money during term 3.

Try to encourage your child to identify and use all coins and notes up to at least £20 and explore different ways of making the same total.