All posts by Mrs Douglas

P4 Homework


  • 1 spelling activity with either ai/ay/a-e or ie/y/igh/i-e
  • List as many jobs as you can think of where you need to be creative
  • Create a name plaque
  • Watch an opera extract online

Please have tasks completed by Friday 1st March.

CLIC Targets

We will be working on the following CLIC Targets this week

– I can count in 4s

– 4 x table

– I can divide multiples of 10 by 10

– I can use a tables fact to find a division fact (with remainders)

Try to make any maths work at home as fun as possible – games, puzzles and jigsaws are a great way to start. It is also important to show how we use maths skills in our everyday lives so try to involve your child in this.

Buddy Time

We had a great morning with our buddies today. Half of us went to Kincorth Library whilst the other half got creative and made music on a beat maker. We also walked our Daily Mile together!

Outdoor Learning

We greatly enjoyed our final Outdoor Learning session with Mr Miller. We have really developed our team work and cooperation skills throughout the block and have developed our understanding of playing and having fun outside in different ways.

P4 Homework

  • 1 spelling activity with either ai/ay/a-e or ie/y/igh/i-e
  • Name 3 social media sites you might use in the future
  • Create a social media profile
  • Try out some more Cosmic Yoga with Arnold the Ant


Please have tasks completed by Friday 8th February.

Phonics & Skills

Week beginning 18th Febuary

This week the P4 boys and girls will be learning 2 different sounds.

Foxes = ai/ay/a-e

Badger & Hedgehogs = ie/y/igh/i-e

They will focus on these phonemes for two weeks. Please play with them and encourage them to build their knowledge and understanding around theses sounds and blends.

CLIC Targets

We will be working on the following CLIC Targets this week

– I can count in 4s

– 4 x table

– I can multiply whole numbers by 10

– I can use a tables fact to find a division fact (with remainders)

Try to make any maths work at home as fun as possible – games, puzzles and jigsaws are a great way to start. It is also important to show how we use maths skills in our everyday lives so try to involve your child in this.