The Elves are at Work

Today we started our display wall for Christmas.  We practiced, measuring, using templates, tracing and cutting.  Most of all we learned that to get the most parts from one piece of card, we need to start at an edge!

We only have one more session to finish our puppet display – can we do it in time?

Pupil of the Week: November 23, 2018

Congratulations to our pupil of the week:

Jack Quinlan

Jack gave Primary 4 a very informative talk about the oil rigs in Aberdeen.  He explained a lot about the tools, and suits.  He used a clear voice and lots of photographs and a video to help him.  He also answered all questions fully from our quality audience.  Well done, and thank you, Jack!


Spelling Words: Week Beg 26/11/18

This week our special sound is “-ore”


  1. the
  2. you
  3. that
  4. was
  5. are
  6. with
  7. they
  8. this
  9. have
  10. from



This week our special sound is “-ore”

  1. More
  2. Wore
  3. Store
  4. Snore
  5. Before
  6. Seashore
  7. Explore
  8. Rolled
  9. Finger
  10. Except



Sames as Badgers, but not 7, 8 & 9 of the Badgers words.  Instead:

  1. Carnivore
  2. Herbivore
  3. Omnivore