Week beginning 8.1.18

Welcome back to the first week of term.


Homework – Spelling and reading homework will start again this week. Spelling words will be given home on Monday and the book should be returned to school on Friday.  Our spelling pattern is soft c as in ice and dance. Please write each word 3 times and choose 2 words and write a sentence with each. Spelling test will be on Friday so homework should be completed by then.


Reading – The children will get 2 new books this week on Monday and Thursday.

Big Maths


C – counting in 10s

L  10 x table jumbled facts

halving multiples of 10           half of 80 is 40

C – multiplication and division


Our focus for other maths work this week will be addition starting with numbers up to 20 and then moving on to numbers up to 100.



French – This week our French will be our daily routine of the day and date for our calendar. We will also focus on numbers to 20.



Topic – For the start of this term the whole school will be doing author studies, with each class choosing an author to focus on. P3 will be doing Mairi Hedderwick who wrote the Katie Morag stories.  We will read and listen to lots of her stories and do activities related to them.


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