Homework w.b. 26.9.17

Thank you to everyone who came along to the literacy evening and the school open evening last week.  It was great to chat to you all and I know that the children loved showing you around the classroom!

It has been another busy and very exciting week in P1W.   In phonics, we have been exploring our new sounds (‘r’ and ‘m’).  We have also been using the magnetic boards to build words using the sounds we have learned so far.  In numeracy, we continue to practise the formation of numbers and to develop our careful counting skills.  We have also been investigating one more/less than a given number.

Homework this week:

  • Phonics activities in the blue book
  • Class reading book
  • Name writing and number formation card (a highlighter pen works well on the laminated sheet and can be rubbed out easily).

Please support your child to write using lower case letters (with flicks).  Capital letters should be used at the start of a sentence and at the start of a name.

Some parents asked if they could have a copy of the number formation songs which we sing in class.  These are the words which I use and the children really like the songs!  See below for another useful number formation resource.

Around and round and round we go, around and round and round we go, around and round and round we go, to make a number 0.

Start at the top and pull straight down…..to make a number 1

Around and back on a railway track…..to make a number 2

Around the tree and around the tree…..to make a number 3

Down across and then straight down…..to make a number 4

Down around and then the top…..to make a number 5

Down we go and make a loop…..to make a number 6

Across the sky and down from heaven…..to make a number 7

Make a ‘s’ and close it up…..to make a number 8

Make a loop and then a line…..to make a number 9

Click here for the number formation posters: http://www.communication4all.co.uk/Numeracy/Number%20Formation%20Rhyme%20Cards.pdf

Thank you!

Mrs Williams



Welcome to the P1W blog!  I am delighted to say that the children are all settling into Primary One very well!  There was lots of excitement this week as the children stayed for their first full day on Monday!  They have really enjoyed having lunch in the dining hall!

Our topic for this term is called ‘Myself and my School Community’.  We started our topic by learning about the Golden Rules.  Please continue to talk about the Golden Rules (using your child’s ‘Green all Week book’) at home.  We have also been talking about ourselves and what makes us unique.  The children have been sharing their own ideas through discussions and detailed drawings.  We will also be learning about important people and places in our school.

In phonics, we have learned ‘s’, ‘a’, ‘t’, ‘i’ and ‘p’.  The children have enjoyed exploring a variety of phonics tasks related to our new sounds.  They made teepee tents, cotton wool igloos and pink pig pictures to name just a few!  Look out for the new phonics homework books in your child’s folder this week!  To help your child to practise the sounds we have learned, search for the free ‘Jolly Phonics Lessons’ app on the App Store.  The app will allow you to share the actions, stories and songs which the children have been learning in class.  In numeracy, we have been learning about number recognition, ordering and formation of numbers through a variety of active tasks.

Our timetable for this term is as follows:

  • Monday – Assembly, Outdoor activities in the nursery garden, Singing with Miss Hamilton
  • Wednesday – PE with Miss Mair
  • Friday – Library, PE with Miss Mair

Please ensure your child has the following in school:

  • A named gym kit
  • A named apron for art
  • A named pair of indoor shoes
  • A named A4 plastic folder for transporting letters, reading books and homework to and from school every day
  • A named ‘rainy day’ activity book for indoor breaks and lunchtimes

Please ensure all clothing and property brought to school with your child is clearly named.  This will help to avoid it getting lost.

Thank you for your support so far and I look forward to working with you all this year!

Mrs Williams