Category Archives: Professional Development

Autism update

Our website has been updated for February. This month you can download
the Scottish Strategy’s Menu of Interventions (a guide to interventions
and support for people on the autism spectrum). We have information on a
Knowledge Share event taking place In Lochgilphead in March and there’s
a link to Debi Brown’s website and blog. Debi is a women with Asperger’s
Syndrome who has delivered talks for Autism Argyll in the past.

If you have any comments or questions, please get in touch.

Maureen Mackintosh
Autism Argyll
01546 600004

Primary curriculum conversation day

ES is holding a conversation day focused on the primary curriculum on Friday 7 March in Duloch Primary School, Dunfermline. This event is aimed at school leaders. We are keen to take stock of how the curriculum is developing in primary schools and hear school leaders’ views and experiences.

If you would be interested in attending please contact Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Please note travel expenses are not paid for conversation days.

Commonwealth Games Resource Pack

Active Schools and the CAST team have joined together in partnership to develop this “Game On Argyll and Bute” pack to support your school to get involved in all the projects and programmes on offer over the course of this academic year leading up to the games. The pack is divided into Scotland wide generic information and Argyll and Bute specific projects and programmes divided into two sections of sport and culture. Continue reading Commonwealth Games Resource Pack