Electricity lesson ideas

Some lesson activities for introducing the topic of electricity – lesson plans and printables.

what is electricity – lesson plan

Board games – lesson ideas for pupils to make their own board game of ‘operation’ to assess what they have learned in the topic

Circuit Diagrams to use with worksheet

Circuit Photos to use with worksheet

Matching Circuits and Circuit Diagrams – worksheet to match to the photos

Component Snap – card templates for playing snap to match names to symbols

Building Circuits – building and drawing circuits

Building Circuits Display Copy – colour

Building Circuits II Display Copy – colour

Conductors and Insulators – worksheet to investigate conductors and insulators

Conductors and Insulators Display Copy – colour

Fault Photos

Fault Finding – worksheet to go with the photos

Primary Parallel Circuits (questions to get pupils thinking and finding out the answers for themselves)

Primary Parallel Circuits Display Copy – colour

Primary Series Circuits (questions to get pupils thinking and finding out for themselves)

Primary Series Circuits Display Copy – colour

battery hat – template for model

electron hat – template for model

lamp hat – template for model

Energy cards for model

Ellie Little – a story about electricity

electricity_planning_– medium term planning for a block on electricity




One thought on “Electricity lesson ideas”

  1. I would like to highly commend you all for these extremely valuable resources which I am certain all practitioners in Argyll and Bute will benefit from which will result in enjoyment, fun as well as raising attainment in Science/STEM. Thank you

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