Free Samba Drumming for primary schools. (register NOW)

We are delighted to offer our samba project again from January to June 2014
What: a samba drumming project for p5-7 delivered by a music specialist, focusing on rhythm using Brazilian percussion instruments. In the last week of the block the children will have an opportunity to perform either to other pupils or an invited local audience.
When: a consecutive six week block of approx 1 hour-long sessions (depending on numbers) programmed to fit your timetable between January and June 2014
Why: increase your pupils’ playing and listening skills whilst taking part in collaborative music making. Give your pupils a chance to enjoy the pleasure of performance in a collective music situation. This project can be expanded to include a rich variety of cross-curricular CfE opportunities inc. expressive arts, social studies and languages.

Small print: Please register interest ASAP as the sessions will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Register by 10 December.

This project is funded by Creative Scotland YMI funding. Where necessary, all instruments will be provided by the practitioner.
Schools with very small numbers in their p5-7 group may be asked to work together to maximize the success and impact of the opportunity. Larger schools may be offered multiple sessions depending on uptake. The sessions work best with a max of approx 20 pupils (up to 30 if the year group is more advanced.) We will try to accommodate you as best we can.

To register interest email

Please include the following:
Year group.
Number in group.
Preferred month to start.

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