Recycled Resources – FREE

As resources become increasingly expensive for school, it’s always good to hit upon a wonderful, open-ended resource that is totally FREE and is easy for the children to collect. Over the last term, the children at Kilmartin have been collecting plastic lids and bottle tops and we now have a huge collection of all sizes, colours and shapes of these little items that sadly, usually get thrown away. We have discovered many uses for our lid collection from active maths to art and design. With the variety of colours and sizes, they make a great resource for sequencing, mathematical language, sorting & matching, sharing or just counting! The older children used the lids to help the think creatively to make a design and then photograph their creation. This task helped children who don’t automatically think that they are creative and helped to inspire so many fantastic ideas.

I hope you will start collecting lids in your class and also share what ‘junk’ you collect and use as part of your teaching!
Fiona Johnson
Head Teacher
Community Services: Education
Kilmartin P.S

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