Week Commencing 18th September 2017

This week I have been delighted to have made two visits to schools in the Cowal area. On Tuesday morning I began the day at Sandbank Primary where I was delighted to be shown around the new Gaelic pre 5 provision which is taking shape and looks as though it is going to be a really stunning facility when it is completed. The team involved in the works have been trying hard to ensure the build stays on time. It now looks as though it will be completed by December 2017 in time for the new registrations for next session.

At Sandbank I enjoyed a tour of the school and seeing how the school is putting the new strategy and vision Our Children, Their Future into action in the school. Two examples are:


Ensure children have the best start in life and are ready to succeed.

In the Pre 5 class I saw some lovely work happening ensuring the language development of our young people was being extended though excellent practitioner interaction.

Raise educational attainment and achievement for all.

In P5/6/7 pupils were being encouraged to improve their work by redrafting and thinking how they could make their work excellent.

I then moved on to visiting St Mun’s Primary. I enjoyed my tour of the school and had the great pleasure of announcing the results of the elections of head boy, girl and their Deputes.

Pictured with me above is (L – R) Graham Purdie, Depute Head Boy, Luca McMahon, Head Boy, Emily McDaid, Head Girl; Mairead Flynn, Depute Head Girl and Lorraine Fisher, Head Teacher.

This was a real example of pupil voice and strengthen leadership at all levels.

I then worked at the office in Argyll House and collected the display for the SLF and drove with Matthew Egan, MA in Learning Tech up to Glasgow to prepare the Local Authority stand for the festival.

Wednesday was busy day at the SLF 17 where I was enjoying key note speakers and meeting colleagues from across Scotland. Our stand was focusing on promoting our vision and strategy and young people from Dunoon Primary were demonstrating the use of our App.

QR Code to the App


On Thursday I was chairing the interview panel for the post of Head Teacher at Hermitage Academy. I am delighted to say that we appointed Mr Robert Williamson a current Head Teacher with Glasgow City Council and welcome him to Argyll and Bute.

The week ended with a preparation day for the visit of Education Scotland on the 26th of September.