Category Archives: Primary 5g

P5hp November 2022

P5hp children have been learning lots in the different lessons and we have been practicing for our Children In Need Assembly (Friday 18th November 2022)

We have been baking and learning financial education skills as part of our financial education focus. We have been deciding how much ingredients cost for our Pudsey Cakes as well as deciding how much to charge. Additionally, we have been discussing as a class how much each guess for Guess the Sweets in the Jar should be. We have been working very well with p5mw to go round the different classes and advertise our Children in Need activities.

In numeracy, we have been exploring the x5,x6 and x7 tables. By the end of our term, we hope to recall most, or all, of our times tables instantly when asked. We will be practicing this regularly and it would be great if this was repeated at home. We have taken part in station-based activities to achieve the most from our learning.

We were lucky enough to create hanging ghost decorations for the school disco on Halloween, they looked very spooky!

Note for Friday: please practice your lines if you have a speaking part as well as practice any songs. Not long now!!

The blog P5hp 24.10.22

This term, the class are excited to share with you what they are looking forward to doing and learning about!

We are very excited to make the ghosts and Halloween decorations for the disco in our IDL lessons – LK

I can’t wait to start a new theme in our PE lessons. We are doing dance this time – LG

I really want to learn Spanish in class – AG

I can’t wait to start the new lessons in JIGSAW. We were learning about how to stop bullying – HS

I can’t wait to see what we are going to measure in our new maths lessons – MK

From P5hp!

P5hp Blog 23.9.22

We have been super excited this week!

We have been working together to design and create a scarecrow as a class. Our scarecrow isn’t your average scarecrow because he has a unique look! If you are coming down to the Macmillan coffee morning we are hosting next week (Friday 30th September) you will get to see each scarecrow from each class on display in the school hall.

We have been enjoying gymnastics this term and trying out all the different apparatus. The spring board and climbing wall are very fun and we enjoy creating routines on these each week.

Our topic has been interesting as we have been looking at natural disasters. We were very interested in tsunamis and once we watched what a tsunami looked like, we used our creative skills to draw our own version of what a tsunami may look like!

Thanks for reading. Until next time!
