Category Archives: News

Primary 5MW January Update

Primary 5MW have been working really hard on learning our times tables facts. Some of us have been multiplying by big decimal number and we’re really enjoying it (Brooke) Maddison is enjoying learning the 8 and 9 x tables.

We have been doing some art work in the style of Steven Brown which I’ve really liked doing (Maiya).

I enjoyed doing writing in Scots. Me and Mila made a story about a prank war between 2 old muckle characters. (Jessica). Today we were writing Haikus about winter. Mine was about children playing in the snow (Skye)

Our new topic is about Scottish Inventors. John Logie Baird is from Helensburgh and as a child he invented a telephone system so that he could chat with his friends across the street (Thomas). When he was older he created the first television transmission from Glasgow to London (Grace).

P5M Learn it! Log it! Blog it!

We enjoyed our Christmas Party and we have also been taking part in fun vertical learning experiences in our classrooms whereby we have been looking at different aspects of our learning including dancing, ICT and art.

In maths we have been looking at measuring and bringing together all of our different aspect of measuring which includes weighing, measuring length and height as well as beginning to look at volume.  In particular, we been looking at grams and kilograms and looking at the relationship between the two as well as looking at how to make comparrsions between millilitres and litres.

In topic, we have been presenting our researching skills by delivering a class presentation to our peers – it was great to see how engaged the class audience were as some presentations included a question and answer session which was an amazing addition.

Thank you everyone for making the first 2 terms of P5 so incredible and we hope you have a jolly Christmas and a great New Year!

P4p Blog post 22.12.21

Hello everyone,

Well, what a term it has been! We have had so much fun learning about food technology, recipes and cooking. We appreciate anyone who bought one of our home made recipe books for the enterprise project and hope that you have lots of fun trying out some of the meals!

As we head to the end of the year we are very much looking forward to Christmas. We had a great time at our class party and enjoyed putting our feet up with a snack to watch a film too!
We have enjoyed singing, dancing and writing our own musical songs where we got to practise writing in rhyme.

We hope you have a merry Christmas and happy new year when it comes!

Primary 4p!