Author Archives: Miss Craig

P2C October 25th Blog


We have  had a great week in school. In literacy we have done the spellings with the ‘ue’ digraph that can sometimes be a ‘yoo’ sound or an ‘oo’ sound.

Some of us have tried out  vertical addition also known as chimney sums, to see how to add tens then units. Next week we will be focusing on money.

We had one more week of our houses topic. We made shelters in the woods, and we had to try to create our own ‘cement’ or ‘mortar’ to stick a wall together.  Some of use used icing sugar, flour, salt, rice, and crushed pasta.

P2C Blog -September 27th


In literacy we have been learning ee/ ea words this week.

Frankie- we learned bee, week and seed.

Angus- beak. Cooper- read. Ramsay- leaf. Rohan-eat.

Cara- we had letter boards and we read it and called it out and the other person had use magnetic letters to make the word.

Iyla- we were writing ‘other’ big bad wolf story.

Ethan- we were using chalk outside to make the three little pigs story. Andrew we used grass and pebbles too. And sticks.

In numeracy

Rory we were learning ’rounding’.  Frankie- 4 or less let it rest, 5 or more let it soar. Cara we used a smart board game and cards that had soar and rest and it it was a number that had a 5 in the units it would go up so it soarded.

In Health and Wellbeing- We played triangle tig outside. Last week we played basket ball tig.

In IDL…Ella Rose we showed the primary 1s our little pig maps.

French- Iyla – with the p5s we were playing a french game.

Frankie- We learned how to say happy birthday in spanish




Bonjour ! Blog week 3.6.19


We have been working on developing team work this week and have been trying this out by going into the different p1 classrooms and mixing with different children during literacy and numeracy times.  In numeracy we were learning the greater and less than sign.

Some of us enjoyed playing this game (will only play with flash)

We have also been practising french greetings and  counting in french up to 20.

In topic , Maisie was interested to see if Walrus had eggs or live young like humans. This also led us on to looking at the lifecycle of a turtle. Some have enjoyed playing a turtle game on the smart board. Cooper made a little turtle shell hat.

We have been planning some more experiences for under the sea themed food which we will be doing next week when we are back to our home classes after getting to know our new P2 class.