Author Archives: Miss Craig

p2 blog 31/1/20


Here are some comments from children about their recent learning

We are doing multiplication. Counting in3s.

We are counting in 4s too.

‘We are doing the i-e sound and we were writing the words in cards for Ramsay!’

We are doing rhyming poems.

I have learned you have red blood cells white blood cells fight off germs.

What happens in your body when you run?

If you have some red blood that’s Oxygen.

We were making blood with white blood cells, red blood cells and plasma!

(food colouring, rice, salt, oil and glitter!)

p2c blog post 15/11/19

Cara- We were learning the au sound. Like sauce.

Konstancja- We did  report writing about a frosty day.

Ben- i liked doing money. I liked rolling the dice and adding amounts in pounds and pence.

Nikiforros- We were learning about rainbows.

Sophie E- We learned the order of the colours in the rainbow.

Rohan- You get a cup of water and get a bit paper and put the water cup on the paper and put it at a sunny place and the  sun will make it a rainbow.

Nola- liked making the rainbow craft.

Cooper- Because the sun hits the water, the light separates into different colours that are always there.

Ramsay- I liked writing about the worlds worst children.

Eryn- I liked making craft for snow globes.