Author Archives: Mr Aitken

Learn It! Log it! Blog it!

P5MW have been very busy over the past few weeks! Here is a snapshot of what we’ve been learning.

In Numeracy, we have continued to learn about fractions, decimals and percentages. We have been very successful in learning to calculate percentages of an amount, and we know how to read decimal amounts from a scale. We are all very proud of our progress.

We have been working on persuasive writing. We chose a position on whether we would like Windyknowe to have a school pet, and used persuasive arguments. Some of us were so convinced by the arguments that we changed our minds!

In art we have really enjoyed using watercolours to create some beautiful pieces inspired by nature. These will be on display and available to buy at our Art Exhibition during parents’ evenings.

Our p5-7 show has been very exciting and we have been very proud of ourselves for learning our parts and developing our confidence to perform. We can’t wait to perform for everyone on Thursday!

Thank you parents and carers for all your support as we learn and grow. 😀



P5mw Learn it! Log it! Blog it!

🌈 Welcome back everybody 🌈

P5mw have been busy this week.

We have been continuing to learn about decimals this week and how to convert fractions into decimals and also express them as percentages. We have been enhancing our learning using ICT, decimal games as well as completing written learning to evidence our learning. We have made real-life connections to our learning by looking at money, heights and weights. We hope to be really confident by the end of term showing off our fractions, decimals and percentages knowledge

As part of LGBT History Month, we have been learning about LGBT issues. We looked at what makes us unique as well as what it means to be an LGBT ally. We looked at and discussed some famous LGBT people in history and their contribution to society. We made some colourful rainbows too!

P5mw Learn it! Log it! Blog it!

Welcome to our blog!

Recently, we have been learning about fractions. In particular, we have looked at fractions of shapes and identified different amounts such as quarters, halves, fifths and tenths. We have also been looking at fractions of amounts such as 1/4 of 36 and 1/5 of 2,500. We will continue to do this over the next week and home learning will reflect this.

In writing, we have been looking at narratives. So we imagined a scenario where the children arrived to school and there were no teachers! The children had to think about a title, set the scene, include a problem and think of a resolution to save the day! Mr Muller was really impressed with most of the pieces of writing he marked. Well done P5MW!

In PE we have been completing circuits. We love doing them with the other P5 class and we work our way round each station in mixed groups. We used record sheets to record our progress and try and beat our previous week’s targets.

*SHOW AUDITIONS* Please note that on Monday 30th January both P5 classes will be completing auditions for parts in the P5-7 assembly. We have given out mock scripts to those children who said they were interested in taking a big speaking part in the assembly to learn over the weekend. Each child from P5MW and P5HP has been given the equal opportunity to audition on several occasions. More roles will become available over the coming days for other parts (speaking and non-speaking) in the show.