Author Archives: Miss Melrose

In P2mb we have been learning…

Numeracy/ Maths

IS- We have been counting in 10s

RI – We made snakes to show counting in 10s

LY – We made robots to show tens and units

EP – We have been learning about 3D shapes like a cuboid.


VH – We have been learning the sounds ‘lt’ like felt and tilt

MS – We made kilts to practice the end sound ‘lt’

MM – We made scarfs for the sound ‘sc’


OR – We have been learning how doors and windows open and close

AE – We have been learning about houses and we read the story The Three Little Pigs


HM- We have been learning to jump high and far

AF – We have learning to jump from 1 foot to 2 feet.

JF – We have been walking, jogging and sprinting


CK – We have been playing Jacques a dit (Simon says) and counting numbers.

Blog It! P2MB

We have enjoyed coming back to school and settling into our new classroom.

Our class novel was Esio Trot which was about a tortoise and a man who was in love with its owner.  It was quite funny!

In topic we have been learning about houses.  We were interested in the materials that houses are made of, so we looked at the story of The Three Little Pigs.  We have designed the 3 little pigs houses and, working in groups, have designed 3D houses of our own!  We have also been estate agents selling the houses for the 3 little pigs which was fun.

In numeracy we have been counting on and back in 1’s and 10’s.  We enjoyed making number lines and hopscotch with chalk.  We have started looking at the value of a number.  Making robots to show our understanding was fun!

In literacy we are practicing our blends.  We made rockets to practice ck and elephants to practise ph.  In writing we have been describing our own houses and our dream houses using lots of fantastic describing words.



Blog It! P5MK

In Primary 5MK, we have been learning…

In topic we have been learning about islands, namely what it would be like to live on an island, comparing islands and designing our own custom island.

In literacy we have been reading and answering questions about playscripts.

In numeracy and maths we have been learning about function machines in order to explore algebra.  We have enjoyed working with letters in numeracy!

In HWB we have been learning about relationships and loss, and how to manage and deal with both.

In P.E. we have been learning different techniques for throwing and catching then we used our skills to play handball.

We have enjoyed…

I have had so much fun making our own islands.

I really enjoyed our last class novel – Asha and the Spirit Bird.  I am thoroughly enjoying our new class novel – The Island at the end of Everything.

I really enjoyed playing rounders as part of our P.E.  working on communication skills, game strategies and speed.

In drama i enjoyed improvising because i didn’t have to learn lines and i could say what i wanted.

What we are learning next…

We will be exploring direct speech in Literacy.

In numeracy we will continue to work on our fluency and accuracy in our times tables and we will revisit place value and the 4 operations.  We will also touch on word problems.