Author Archives: M Murdoch

WB Monday 5th December 2022

Our big adventure to Bathgate Early Years Centre.

First of all, we would like to thank all the children and families for making our relocation to BEYC as smooth as possible. We appreciate the extra effort to get children to nursery this last week and we have been delighted to see so many of our children make the move. They have been absolute superstars and taken the big change in their stride, we couldn’t be more proud of them.

We have had a lovely week at our ‘Holiday nursery’ the children have particularly enjoyed playing out in the garden and watching the world go by from “the big hill” – we are going to have to find a way to bring this home to Windknowe with us!!

We are also enjoying the beginning of all our festive celebrations, we put up our Nursery Christmas tree and practicing our writing skills by writing Christmas cards and letters to Santa.

We continue to make the most of our ‘holiday’ and share this magical time of year with our new friends at BEYC.

The Nursery Team

Nursery Home Learning – Monday 18th January



Hello everyone, we hope you have all had a lovely weekend. This weeks home learning is inspired by the cold weather we have been having. Follow the links below to find some exciting activities. Don’t forget to post what you have been up to on your Learners Journal.

We hope you have a great week.

Home learning experiences 18-01-21



Nursery – Peep – Our Bedtime Routine

Hello everyone and welcome back to week two – The Importance of Routines.

We have been discussing the importance of routines at home and at nursery. We enjoyed helping to bath the baby in our small groups, while discussing how we look after ourselves and sharing our different routines in our own homes.

We would like to invite you to discuss with your child why we follow different routines and how these help us in our daily lives.

Here is a link to our latest Peep session. We hope you all received your new tooth brush this week.

Peep – Week 2- Routines

Our favourite bath time song

Fun things to try at home ..

Making the most of routines

Fun activity

Big thank you to all our families for your continued support. Enjoy!