Author Archives: Mrs Cook

P1c 23.9.19

Over the last few weeks we have been busy learning the new sounds i, p, n, r and m. At the end of each lesson we teach our class puppet how to say the sound, how to write the sound and tell her some words containing the sound. Some of us have started learning to blend letters together to write short words. Next we will be learning the letters d, e, c and k. We have also been learning to read, write and order the numbers up to ten. We especially like the Jack Hartman number formation song with the funny chicken dance! Next we will be learning to recognise and write the numbers up to 20. In Circle Time we talked about the different jobs we know about and how adults use numbers and reading in their work. We all want to work hard so that we can count and read when we are big!

In our topic time we have started investigating our senses. We shared our ideas about what we wanted to learn and what we could do in school. We have tried out lots of our ideas already.

Aaron – I liked making a kite.

Alfie – I liked it when Mr Swift showed us his tools.

Cameron- I liked making a Titanic.

Daniel – I liked going outside and feeling things.

Ellen – I liked feeling things in the classroom.

Emin – I like talking to Ellen about the letters and numbers.

Emma – I liked feeling things in the woods.

Jack – I liked making Snappy Six with 6 teeth.

Kai – I found a fluffy feather.

Leon – I like drawing and learning letters.

Levi – I liked feeling things out in the woods.

Monty – I made a kite and it was flying in the wind.

Pippa – I like talking to Aaron and Emin about letters and numbers.

Ruby – I have been writing numbers.

Theo – I liked the stories for all the letters.

TJ – I made Snappy Six.

Wiktoria – I liked painting Butterfly Three.

Zoe – I liked learning about number 7 by drawing Spotty Seven.

P1c Starting School! 4.9.19

We have all settled well into P1 and have been learning lots of things already. We have been getting to know each other and we are very good at sharing and doing jobs that need teamwork. During our transition into Primary One we found out about Julia Donaldson. We decided to write her a letter with some of our questions. Her reply is in the first photograph. In literacy we have been making our own stories by ordering pictures on story stones and speaking our story into a voice recorder. With our buddies we have started practising retelling a familiar story and we will be making characters and a setting to act it out. Already we know the sounds a, t, s, i, and p. We have been learning how to write these sounds and talking about words containing these sounds. In number we have been ordering numbers, practising careful counting of objects, learning to recognise dice patterns and finger patterns and to write numbers 1 to 4. In the afternoons we have been finding out about our school. We have had lots of good ideas about what we can do. Mrs Stewart answered lots of our questions about her two jobs in the school and we learnt how we can help her too. We had a walk around the school and took lots of photographs and talked to people we met.

Here are our comments about what we like to play with and what we have been learning:

Aaron – I like the doll’s house. I’ve been learning about numbers. Butterfly Three.

Alfie – I like the painting table. I know t for tennis.

Cameron- I like the doll’s house. I have been learning about i for Inky Mouse.

Charlee- I like the water. I have learnt how to write.

Daniel – I like playing on the keyboard.

Ellen – I like the craft table. We have learnt to write letters.

Emin – I like doing gluing. I’ve been learning about letters and numbers and pictures.

Emma – I liked playing with animals and I liked Penguin 1.

Jack – I like drawing. I have learnt lots of new things like a and t and p and i.

Kai – I like the water. We do numbers like one and numbers after two.

Leon – I like brick. I learnt writing.

Levi – I like plasticine. I ‘ve learnt letters.

Monty – I like plasticine. Number one just goes down.

Pippa – I like the art table and we do good behaviour.

Ruby – I like bricks. I have done writing.

Theo – I like the water tray. We have been learning numbers and letters.

TJ – I like sand. I have been learning sounds.

Wiktoria – I like drawing. I have learnt letters and numbers.

Zoe – I like the shop. I have learnt s, a, p, t and the one with the dot!  

P1a 25.6.19

We have had a great time in Primary 1 this year.

Here is what we have enjoyed the most:

Kyle – the minibeast topic

Rebecca – doing the assault course

Andrew – doing my jotter work

Olivia – doing jotter jobs

Ethan – the police topic

Frankie – learning about numbers

Christopher – playing with Ethan

Konstancja – doing our assembly

Ayleigh – doing number talks

Ella-Rose – learning French

Lucie – school trips

Nola – doing our assembly

Cody – the school trip

Luke – making Jurassic World

Euan – learning about trains and spiders

Mrs Cook – hearing all the amazing ideas about what we could learn and what activities we could do in class

This is what we are most proud of:

Kyle – learning to read

Rebecca – getting medals for running

Andrew – doing good adding and taking away

Olivia – doing good building

Ethan – being able to jump off the high box in gymnastics

Frankie – winning the Scots poetry competition

Christopher – climbing the wall in the assault course

Konstancja – doing good running

Ayleigh – counting big numbers

Ella-Rose – doing reading

Lucie – learning the sounds at the start of P1

Nola – showing everyone gymnastics

Eryn – learning to do smaller, neater writing

Cody – writing sounds and then writing stories

Luke – learning to read

Euan – doing all the number activities

Mrs Cook – being the teacher of such a wonderful class who are so confident, independent and keen to learn

Thank you adults for supporting us throughout the year. Happy holidays!