Author Archives: Mrs Cook

P1c 3.12.19

We have been learning about the letters j, v, y, z, q and x.  We are learning to add numbers together and to recognise coins. In our topic we have been learning about why there is night and day. We looked at the paintings of famous artists and then made our own night pictures.

We have been talking about what we are good at and what our next steps in learning are:

Aaron – I am good at writing sounds. I need to practise adding.

Alfie – I can write words myself. My next step is to recognise all money.

Cameron – I am good at pictures. I am going to write numbers better.

Charlee – I am good at ordering numbers. My next step is to write words.

Daniel – I can write all my letters properly. My next step is to join up my writing.

Emin – I am good at reading words. I need to get better at writing sentences.

Ellen – I can write all the letters. Now I need to learn the sounds with two letters.

Emma – I am good at adding numbers. I need to practise writing number two.

Kai – I like counting up to 20. I need to know all the letters.

Leon – I am good at writing letters. I want to read books.

Levi – I can do adding well. I need to practise reading words.

Monty – I can count to twenty-six. I need to get better at writing letters.

Pippa – I am good at counting back from twenty. My next step is to count to one hundred.

Ruby – I am good at painting. I need to practise adding numbers.

Theo – I can read letters. I want to practise spelling words.

Wiktoria –  I am good at sums. I want to do even bigger sums!

Zoe – I am good at copying sentences with finger spaces and toes on the line. My next step is to practise doing a ‘g’ the right way.


P1c 14.11.19

We have been learning about the letters u, b, h, and w and we are learning to add numbers together. In our topic we have been finding out about electricity and making cars and boats.

Charlee – I made a toy car and added details like wheels, a number plate and an engine.

Ellen – I have been learning to add by bringing objects together and counting them up.

Emma – I liked making a watch for w.

Jack – I liked learning about u for underground.

Monty – Electricity can shock you so you don’t put anything in the holes.

Pippa – The letter w looks a bit like an upside down m!

Ruby – Electricity comes from a plug or a battery.

Theo – We have to be careful when writing a b not to do a number 6!

Wiktoria – I liked learning about h for horse.

Zoe – I made a car from a box. I put a light on it. It was tricky putting the wheels on but I kept going and didn’t give up.

P1c 24.10.19

Aaron – I have learnt about g and l.

Alfie – I learned that teddies have fluff inside and some toys have lots of screws, batteries and wires.

Cameron – I was drawing a story about a mouse.

Charlee – I did great writing about a mouse.

Daniel – I can count up to number 16.

Ellen – I have learnt l for lollipop.

Emin – I have learnt that some toys have computer boards inside.

Emma – Sixteen is a one and a six.

Jack – I have learnt g for gurgle.

Kai – I can count to 16.

Levi – You go down and flick to write l.

Monty – I can count to 16.

Ruby – I know a for ant.

Theo – I can write g for grass.

TJ – Some toys need batteries.

Wiktoria – You can take toys apart and screw them back together again.

Zoe – I found out how a cuddly unicorn’s eyes are put on.