Author Archives: Mrs Cook

P1 Home Learning 26.3.20

Good morning everyone! We hope that you are managing to find some fun activities to do at home with your families and are finding ways to keep yourself fit and healthy. We are really missing your smiley faces and we now realise even more how much we love being your teachers! Please leave a comment here or contact the school via email if you have any questions or anything you wish to share.

Mrs Cook, Miss Johnstone, Mrs Messenger and Miss Hendrie

Literacy 26.3.20

Numeracy 26.3.20 (1)


1c 27.2.20

“We have been doing take-aways. You can use a number line or do touch head and count back.”

“We have been doing made up stories about journeys.”

” We were learning that ‘oo’ has an ‘o’ and an ‘o’, like in boot, foot and book”

” We were learning about bikes. Mr Swift showed us his bike. Bikes have gears and mudguards. The mudguards stop you getting dirty. The fork attaches the wheel to the handlebars.”

P1c 29.1.20

“We have been learning about weather. We built a snowman then watched to see if the sun melted it. Rolling a ball was the best way to make the body.”  “We tried to stop snow melting. The best idea was to wrap it in an ice pack.” “We have been learning about odd and even. The even numbers just skip a number.” “The odd numbers have an odd bod without a partner.” “  We have been learning sounds with two letters.” “ We wrote our own weather forecasts and wrote about windy and rainy days.”