Author Archives: Miss Brody

P4b Blog: Choir

In Primary 4, we have been lucky to have a teacher who is teaching us singing and musical notation.  During our sessions we are able to sing using pitch and use a ball to keep the beat.  We also have been looking at different types of notes and rests and we are beginning to read music!Yo

Lilly says “I enjoy singing to the teacher and her replying in song.”

Alice “I think that the songs are interesting and fun.”

Liam “I mostly enjoy trying to see who is singing when our eyes are shut.”

Murray says “i like like the tunes that we get to learn.”

Everyone is really enjoying having the teacher from the National Youth Choir of Scotland.

P4b 7.1.19

Welcome to 2019!!!   In P4b we are all glad to be back to start the new term with bright eyes and bushy tails!   We have been discussing what we will look forward to for this new year.  some children have been making reolutions and other children have been thinking about what their goals and targets will be for 2019.

Evi says “I want to be able to do a backfilp!”

Olivia`s goal is to move up a level in her swim class.

Andy`s resolution is to get better at reading and move on to more challenging texts.

Liam says “I`m determined to get better at football.”

Well we certainly wish everybody all the very best for the new year, and are sure that with hard work and determination everyone should achieve their goals!