Author Archives: Miss Brody

P4b Science Research Project

Here is a list of your childs scientist that they are to research, just in case anyone has lost their piece of paper.

Liam: Jaque Cousteau

Evi: Leo Hendrick Baekeland

Danielle: Constantin Fahlberg

Andy: Werner Seimens

Jacob: Edward jenner

Lucy C: Marie Curie

Aiden: Henry Heimlich

Lucy R: Joseph Priestly

Sophie: Margaret Thatcher

Nathan: Samuel Morse

Lilly: Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev

Daniel: Charles Nicole

Jaydn: Steven Hawking

Evan: Charles Martin Hall

Mark: Rosalind Franklin

Ailis:  William Armstrong

Alice: Roy Plunkett

Nicholas: Spencer Silver

Darcie: Wilder penfield

Delta: James Watson

Olivia: Charles Babbage

Murray: Edward Teller

Caitlin: Wilhelm Rontgen

Travis: Percy Spencer

Adam: Elizabeth Garret Anderson

Zetney: Charles Goodyear

Ryan: James Hansen

Sam: Nicolaus Copernicus

Brandon: William Perkin


Thank you for supporting your children to complete their research projects at home. Presentations will need to be ready for the 28th May.



P4b Our Easter and Spring Break

Welcome back to our last term of Primary 4!

We are going to share a little information about our holidays.

Aiden says” I went to Meadow Park and saw lots of my friends, and we played with my football.”

Sophie went to see a dog called Freddie and I enjoyed playing with him.

Nathan had his 9th birthday during the holiday and he got a segway!

Omar says ” I played tig with my friends outside our houses.”

Daniel went to Edinburgh to see lots of old planes in a museaum.

Danielle says ” I enjoyed my Easter egg hunt and I also got some ice-cream.”

Andy went to the beach at Burntisland and enjoyed the sun.

Ailis asy ” my mum got an operation on her arm!”

Caitlin went to pony camp and was riding a horse called gypsy.

Sam went to a cottage near Inverness and enjoyed walking his dog lots


Primary 4 are Going Potty!!!!!

We are happy to announce that all our pots are made, decorated and gittered…..!   We will be selling our pots outside the P4 classrooms on Parents` Evening on Thursday 28th March.  They are all £2.00 and will be a wonderful present for birthdays and Mothers` Day!

All the money raised will go to reducing the price for the overall cost of going to Edinburgh Zoo on the 2nd May.  Please bring your purses and wallets and don`t miss out on the opportunity to own a bespoke pot for all occasions 🙂