Author Archives: Miss Brody

P4b BLOG: Our first few weeks back!

In Primary 4b, we are all excited and a little nervous to start in Primary 4!  We have already learned about Nelson mandela during our Transition week.   We have talked to each other and our teachers about what we want to learn about Africa.  We decided to learn about plants and animals, how African schools compare to ours, how transport is different and maybe the same and finally, how to read and write hieroglyphics!

We will enjoy showing all our friends and family our hard work during parents` evening!

P4b and it`s Goodbye from us!

At last we`re finally at the end of the term.  Everyone is ready for their Summer holidays and looking forward to moving on to Primary 5.

We`ve had an exciting Heath and Fitness fortnight to end the year.

Ailis says “Im really looking forward to the holidays and cant wait to have a rest!”

Ryan says “Im looking forward to going to Blackpool in the holidays.  Im going to go on lots of rides.”

Lucy C says “I`m looking forward to having a break from everything and spending time with my family.”

Omar says ” I`ve really enjoyed the football and Judo .”

Brandon says “I get to go on holiday to spain in a caravan and I`m going to see Toy Story 4 again.”

Daniel says “I`ll be able to spend more time with my Grandad.”

Danielle says “Im looking forward to the holidays because Im going to the Lake District.”

Caitlin says “Im looking forward to the holidays because Im going to Portugal the going to a wtaer park on my birthday.”

Sam says “I`m looking forward to playing with lots of people who live on my street.”

Evi says “I`m going on holiday to Italy and Dubai.”

Aiden says “I`m going to do lots of things that are cool.”

So thats it for another year!  Have a great holiday and well see everyone back in August!

Ms Brody

P4b pizzas and fruit salad!

In Primary 4, over the last couple of weeks, we have been learning life skills on how to chop different types of vegetables and fruit.  The children created, cooked then ate their own pizzas.  Then the following week, the chopped, created and ate their own fruit salads.

Sophie said “the fruit was amazing!”

Sam said”I made a tomato and cheese pizza and it was delicious.”

Andy said “I tried mushrooms for the first time and I thought thjey were great.”

Ryan said “We really enjoyed making the fruit salads and the pizzas and they were so delicious.”

Omar said “I enjoyed everything, all the fruit and all the vegetables.”

Nicholas said “I enjoyed everthing apart from the melon.”

Everyone has learnt new skills in chopping and cutting!  So they are now experts to help whoever does all the cooking at home!