Author Archives: Miss Purdie

P4p Blog Post 12/11/21

Christmas Enterprise!

Hello everyone, we are very excited to share some news with you all about our Christmas enterprise product. We are going to make recipe books! Next week, we are going to be making some lovely lentil soup. If you would like to get a little taste of this then send your child into school on Wednesday 17th November with a small container so you can try it! This recipe will be featured in our recipe books.

Procedural Writing

The reason for making our recipe books is because we have been learning how to write a piece of procedural writing. We have learned that a piece of procedural writing helps us learn how to do/play or make something.  We can’t wait to show you our procedural writing in our enterprise project!

Thanks for reading,




P4p Blog Post 7.9.21

Good afternoon everyone!
P4p are settling back into school well. Here are a few things we are enjoying:

Ben – ‘ I like doing our Ancient Greek topic. We are going to make masks and I am very excited!’
Rohan – ‘ I’m excited for when we can use foil to make Ancient Greek armour’
Eryn – ‘ I liked making a Greek temple to show place value’
Konstancja – ‘I am enjoying doing some weeding outside in the school playground.’
Angus – ‘ I like going on my computer and posting things on Microsoft Teams. I also like doing art and ICT’
Nola – ‘ I liked making our Pokemon class charter!’
Cooper – ‘ I am enjoying the harder work!’
Kyle – ‘ I am excited to make Ancient Greek masks.’
Euan – ‘ I am enjoying doing our Greek temples and I really like our maths’
Courtney – ‘I am enjoying doing the weeding!’
Cara – ‘ I like doing my reading and my maths’
Olivia – ‘ I like doing maths chimney sums.’
Ethan – ‘ I like doing literacy’
Iyla – ‘I like doing our symmetrical patterns and P.E’
Niki – ‘ I like doing our Ancient Greek topic.’
Ella Rose – ‘I like doing forest Fridays!’
Macy – ‘ I also like doing forest Friday!’
Frankie – ‘ I like practising my sign language in the forest.’


Thank you for reading and feel free to leave a comment!