Author Archives: Miss Christie

P3HW Blog update

We are all very excited to be back and are looking forward to a very busy term!

Demi is ‘very excited to be learning about our times tables!’

Harry is looking forward to starting our new topic all about different religious beliefs.

Murdo is excited for practicing our school show about fairytales, which we are starting to learn our songs for!

We also had a discussion about what skills we would like to develop this year…

Jessica and Ailie are really looking forward to developing and working on their writing skills.

Harry is looking forward to learning more times tables and becoming an expert on them!

We will also be developing our gymnast skills and practicing lots of different moves, as well as our team building skills through lots of team games.

We wish everyone a happy new year!

Mrs Henderson and Mrs Wells

P3M Blog It


Here is what P3M have been learning recently!

Jacksen has enjoyed learning to count using mental subtraction because he loves thinking in his head because you can’t lose that information! Callum S has loved using the whiteboards to partition the numbers!

Eden has enjoyed counting up lots of coins and Allegra has loved playing in our Post Office Area!

Ruaridh has enjoyed making leaflets all about Windyknowe, he liked adding pictures and listing all the things you need at Windyknowe! Evan liked using bullet points to do this too!

Jak has loved making maps and thought it was great fun because he liked drawing the symbols.

We also want to thank everyone for your very generous donations to the Reverse Advent Calendar to go to the Food Bank.

We hope you enjoyed our update!

Miss Mackenzie and P3M