Author Archives: Mrs Wells

Primary 5MW 22.9.22

We really enjoyed our long weekend and have been working hard since we’ve been back at school

Numeracy and Maths

In Numeracy we are working on learning our times table facts. We have enjoyed playing lots of games. Please continue to practise these at home. In Maths we have been learning to tell times in 12 and 24 hours analogue and digital times and calculating time durations.


We have been writing recounts. We wrote some great recounts about an adventure in Bathgate Hills for a writing competition. We have also been learning about homophones and synonyms.

IDL and other areas

We have been really enjoying our Topic about Natural Disasters. We have done some great Art Work linked to our topic with volcanoes in the style of Andy Warhol and tornado art. In PE we have been doing gymnastics. We have learnt lots of new balances and jumps.

Primary 5MW



In numeracy we have been learning about decimals. We know about tenths and hundredths and have been working out their place value. We now know that decimal numbers are not whole numbers and we have been comparing them to fractions.


We have been writing some fantastic expositions. We have been looking at persuasive language and trying to create convincing arguments.


In PE we have been using our throwing and catching skills to play games of bench ball. We have also been doing team games and challenges.


We have learnt about loads of different inventions. One of the inventions we looked at was the light bulb by Thomas Eddison. We learnt how to create light bulb circuits with switches and buzzers. Next week we are going to create our own lightbulb inventions. We have also been creating our own inventions including bright bags, the maker, the robodog, the gas and litter bot and the get up and go.

Flowers Project

We have been taking part in a national research project based on weather and plant growth. Some of our bulbs have now started to flower and we cant’ wait to bring them home at Easter!



Primary 5MW January Update

Primary 5MW have been working really hard on learning our times tables facts. Some of us have been multiplying by big decimal number and we’re really enjoying it (Brooke) Maddison is enjoying learning the 8 and 9 x tables.

We have been doing some art work in the style of Steven Brown which I’ve really liked doing (Maiya).

I enjoyed doing writing in Scots. Me and Mila made a story about a prank war between 2 old muckle characters. (Jessica). Today we were writing Haikus about winter. Mine was about children playing in the snow (Skye)

Our new topic is about Scottish Inventors. John Logie Baird is from Helensburgh and as a child he invented a telephone system so that he could chat with his friends across the street (Thomas). When he was older he created the first television transmission from Glasgow to London (Grace).