Author Archives: Mrs Smillie

P7p Blog It!

Mrs Smillie and Mrs Wells – We have had a great first week in P7 and would like to say a big thank you to P7p for helping us settle in.

Darcy – Our school won a Sports Gold Award for our after school clubs and sports events  that our school takes part in. We took part in a silent disco as our reward.  We all thought it was amazing!

Logan – We made our own class advent calendar by decorating our own boxes to be filled with a surprise!

We have been working on solving word problems in numeracy which has been quite challenging.

Ferida – On Wednesday we were learning how to write our own Haiku poems. Haiku poems have a syllable pattern of 5,7,5.

We also learned about life cycles of mammals, amphibians, insects and reptiles.

Jessica – We took part in a Christmas PE challenge with Mrs Howard.  We had to create a snowman using PE equipment such as hockey sticks, hula hoops, cones, bean bags and tennis balls.