Author Archives: Miss Foote

P5f Blog it! 4.11.20

Over the last few weeks, we have been learning about multiplication and division in numeracy. We have been looking at multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000.

In PE we have been doing foot-golf and athletics.

In writing, we have been writing narratives and creating atmosphere’s that are spooky or happy/buzzing.

We have been learning about Mexico and the festival of Dia de los muertos. We made traditional decorations such as sugar skulls and papel picado and hung them in our room.

We have been loving doing Kahoot’s in class to consolidate our learning.

We hope you are all well!


P5f Learn it! Log it! Blog it! 8.10.20

We have been learning new strategies in numeracy for addition and subtraction. We have learned the jump strategy, the rounding and compensating strategy and the split strategy. As a class, we much prefer the split strategy although we really like ‘chimney’ sums too!

In PE, we have been cross-country, tabata and orienteering. We have really enjoyed them all.

We have started Spanish and been learning the days of the week and months of the year which we have really enjoyed!

We are looking forward to our topic about Mexico next term!

We are also looking forward to using the numeracy wall and playing some new numeracy games.

Next term we are playing footgolf in PE!

We hope you have a super October break!



P3 26.6.20

Hello everyone!

We have made it to the last morning of Primary 3 and it has just been a blast!

Here are your final jobs for this morning! Some reading for enjoyment and some sums. There is an opportunity to go back and have a go of any of the teacher challenges posted or try the new Tokyo Ten activities.

We hope you have a great morning – we will be back at 12ish with our final post 🙂

Miss Foote, Mrs Settle and Mrs Welsh


Tokyo Ten TV Traithlon 26.6

Tokyo Ten Where’s the Pair 26.6

We have been made aware the Friday link is not working for everyone – I have uploaded a screen shot of it here for you if you need it. Hopefully that will help! 🙂